Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 25777 - 25800 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 2366

KRS 2366

inscription of siglum KRS 2367

KRS 2367

l nẓmt bn nẓmt
inscription of siglum KRS 2368

KRS 2368

l ʿbd bn bdbl bn ʿbd bn grmʾl bn wḥs²
inscription of siglum KRS 2369

KRS 2369

l ms¹k bn bdbl bn s¹lm bn rfʾt bn kʿmh bn ʿwḏ bn nẓmt ḏ- ʾl ḥẓy w bny h- s¹tr
inscription of siglum KRS 2370

KRS 2370

l ḫr bn ʾs¹ bn ḫr bn ʾs¹ bn mġny ḏ- ʾl ms¹---- w rʿy h- ḍʾn b- ʿnzt bql
inscription of siglum KRS 2371

KRS 2371

l ḫṭs¹t bn ms¹k h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 2372

KRS 2372

l ġṯ bn rfʾt bn s¹lm w ḏkr ʾs²yʿ -h f qṣf
inscription of siglum KRS 2373

KRS 2373

h lʾt s¹ʿd ʾnf l- hmyn -h
inscription of siglum KRS 2374

KRS 2374

l ʾnf
inscription of siglum KRS 2375

KRS 2375

l ʾny bn km bn ʾḥlm bn ṣbḥ bn hwd bn s¹ḥly w ḥll h- dr s¹nt myt qṣr w ḥrz bʿls¹mn f rwḥ l- ḏ ḫrṣ w wgd ʾṯr mʿn f bky w bʾs¹ mẓll ----r---- ḏ yʿwr h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 2376

KRS 2376

l qbṯt bn ṣʿb bn ġs²w
inscription of siglum KRS 2377

KRS 2377

l ryḍ bn ntn bn mṣ bn ----wq bn wrd bn ṣḫm
inscription of siglum KRS 2378

KRS 2378

l s²kr bn s²rb
inscription of siglum KRS 2379

KRS 2379

l zʿr bn tm bn ws¹ṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 2380

KRS 2380

l ʿṭr bn hʾs¹ bn ʾs¹d bn nkf bn wrd
inscription of siglum KRS 2381

KRS 2381

l mʿn bn mġny bn s²br bn s¹ry bn s¹my
inscription of siglum KRS 2382

KRS 2382

l ḫbyt bn ʾny bn qlt bn hgml bn fkl w wgm ʿl- ʾm -h w ʿl- dd -h w rʿy hʾḥ
inscription of siglum KRS 2383

KRS 2383

l glhm bn ntn bn mlkt bn ngy h- nfs¹t
inscription of siglum KRS 2384

KRS 2384

l hʾs¹ bn ʾs¹d bn nkf bn ws¹d
inscription of siglum KRS 2385

KRS 2385

l tm bn nhb bn ṣyd h- tll
inscription of siglum KRS 2386

KRS 2386

l ʾglḥ bn gr bn ʾglḥ
inscription of siglum KRS 2387

KRS 2387

l hrn
inscription of siglum KRS 2388

KRS 2388

l ẓʿn w ṣwy
inscription of siglum KRS 2389

KRS 2389

l s²mt bn ʾmr