Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 30865 - 30888 of 38684 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 152

KRS 152

l nʿmn bn qḥs² w wgd ʾṯr ḫl -h f ngʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 153

KRS 153

l nṣrʾl bn ʾkzm w wgm ʿl- ḥbb f h lt s¹lm l- ḏ s¹ʾr
inscription of siglum KRS 154

KRS 154

l ms¹k bn ḫṭs¹t bn s¹krn w ʾs²rq f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 155

KRS 155

l ʾws¹ʾl bn qnfḏ bn ḏʾbt bn ʾġnyt bn wʾl bn bdn bn ws²yt bn ḍf bn gnʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 156

KRS 156

l tm bn ʿḏq bn hms²n
inscription of siglum KRS 157

KRS 157

l htl bn ʿḏq bn hms²n
inscription of siglum KRS 158

KRS 158

l rb bn ʿḏq bn hms²n
inscription of siglum KRS 159

KRS 159

l ys¹ʿd bn s²rk bn ḥmy bn ḏff bn rfʾt bn ws²yt bn ḍf bn gnʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 160

KRS 160

l ʾws¹n bn hngs² bn ʿbd h- bkrt
inscription of siglum KRS 161

KRS 161

l ḥnn bn ms²kr bn s¹ʿd bn ʾs¹d bn bwk
inscription of siglum KRS 162

KRS 162

l nẓr bn qnʾl bn ʿwḏn bn grmʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 163

KRS 163

l nẓr bn qḥs² bn grmʾl w h rḍy s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 164

KRS 164

l s¹ʿd bn ʾnʿm bn zdʾl bn ʿm bn flṭt bn bs¹ w h rḍy s¹lm l- m ḫrṣ w nqʾt b- wdd l- ḏ yʿwr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum KRS 165

KRS 165

l ---- lʿṯm bn s¹ʿd bn ḥg bn rb bn hmlk bn nhḍ bn ḥmyn bn ġḍḍt w h rḍy s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 166

KRS 166

l ---- bn grm w wgd ʾṯr lʿṯm f ngʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 167

KRS 167

l whblh fty ʾl ġrṭ w rʿy h- ḍʾn f h lt s¹lm w ġnyt w wgm ʿl- ḫl -h w ʿl- mrby -h ẓnʾl w ʿl- ḫtn -h ḥgg w ʿl- ḫtn -h s¹ʿd bn mlk
inscription of siglum KRS 168

KRS 168

l wny bn s¹d
inscription of siglum KRS 169

KRS 169

l nʿrt bn ḫdmt bn trml bn s¹ry bn s¹hm w ġz b- nḫl f h yṯʿ s¹lm w klʾ h- s¹my ḥḍr mlḥ f ḏkr f ʾmt f yʾs¹ f h bʿls¹mn rwḥ w s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 170

KRS 170

l ʿty bn zyd
inscription of siglum KRS 171

KRS 171

l drr bn ʿm bn bhm bn mgd bn ḏff w rḍy nqʾt l- ḏ ʿwr -h
inscription of siglum KRS 172

KRS 172

l qdm bn mrʾ bn mnʿt w wgd ʾṯr wrr f ndm w dʿb
inscription of siglum KRS 173

KRS 173

l nhḍ bn ḥmyn bn ġḍḍt bn ʾnḍt bn ws²yt bn ḍf bn gnʾl bn whbʾl bn ys¹r
inscription of siglum KRS 174

KRS 174

l ʾnʿm bn ʿdy bn ʿnhm bn ḏkr h- bkrt
inscription of siglum KRS 175

KRS 175

l ʾmr bn ys¹mʾl bn ʾs¹ḫmn w wgd s¹fr ʿgb f ngʿ