Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 33145 - 33168 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum U 026

U 026 /Stiehl A 04; Al-Qudrah 1993: 16, no. 4; AH 038; D 097

ʾbʿl/ḏl/ʾfyh/h- ẓll l- ḏġbt/ rḍ -hm/w s¹– ʿd -hm/w ʿqb -hm/ʾny ys¹rg/ʾb -hm/w mʿn -hm w mfr -hm/b- ms²hl
inscription of siglum U 027

U 027 /Stiehl A 21; Al-Qudrah 1993: 21, no. 21; D 114

zdlh/bn/hnʾ w ʿbdt ---- ʾẓllw/l- ḏġbt bʿd/ml -hm/f rḍ -hm ---- s¹ʿd -hm
inscription of siglum U 027.1

U 027.1 /Stiehl A 20; Al-Qudrah 1993: 20, no. 20; D 113

ẓlm bn ʾm
inscription of siglum U 027.2

U 027.2

nfyl----mt/ʾ– ẓlt/h- ẓl– l/l- ḏġbt/bʿd nḫl -h/b- bdr/f rḍ -h
inscription of siglum U 028

U 028 /Stiehl A 20; Al-Qudrah 1993: 20, no. 20; D 113

zdlh/t----r/ʾẓl hrb---- l/ḏh ʾr---- ḏġbt/b- khl bʿd/dṯʾ -h/b- ḏʿ– mn/f rḍ -h/w ʾḫrt -h
inscription of siglum U 029

U 029 /Stiehl A 22; Al-Qudrah 1993: 21, no. 22; D 115

ʿyḏ/bn/zhlḥ/w bn -h ʾmḥh/ʾẓlw/h- ẓ– ll/l- ḏġbt/bʿd ml -h/b- tqmm/f rḍ -h w ʾḫrt -h/w s¹ʿd -h
inscription of siglum U 030

U 030

whb/bn/ frʾ
inscription of siglum U 031

U 031 /Stiehl A 23/1–6; Al-Qudrah 1993: 21–22, no. 23/1–6; AH 037; D 116

ʿbdhgbr/b– n/ḥblʾl/ʾfy h- ẓll/l- ḏġbt/b- khl bʿd/dṯʾ -h/b- ḏʿmn/f rḍ -h/w s¹ʿd -h/w ʾḫrt -h w bn -h/ʿbb w ʿ----
inscription of siglum U 032

U 032 /Stiehl A 23/7–8 and A 27; Al-Qudrah 1993: 21–22, no. 23/7-8; AH 036; D 120

ʿyḏ/bn/ḥr ʾgw/l- ḏġbt ṯlṯt/ʾẓl– t/f rḍ -h/w s¹ʿd -h w ʾḫ– rt -h
inscription of siglum U 033

U 033 /Stiehl A 24; Al-Qudrah 1993: 22, no. 24; AH 033; D 117

ʿyḏ/bn/ydʿ/ʿ– nn/ʾẓll/h- ẓll/ḏh l- ḏġbt/b- khl/bʿ– d/nḫl -h/b- ṯr/w dṯʾ -h/b- ḏʿmn f rḍ -h/w s¹– ʿd -h
inscription of siglum U 034

U 034 /Stiehl A 25; Al-Qudrah 1993: 22, no. 25; AH 035; D 118

ʿyḏ/bn/ḥr/b- khl ʾẓll/h- ẓlln bʿd -h/w bʿd ʾb -h/w bʿd nḫl -h l- ḏġbt/f rḍ -h w ʾḫrt -h/w s¹ʿd -h
inscription of siglum U 035

U 035 /Stiehl A 26; Al-Qudrah 1993: 22, no. 26; AH 034; D 119

brqh/s¹– lḥ/ḏġbt ʾfy/h- ẓll l- ḏġbt/bʿd ml -h/b- ḏʿmn f rḍ -h/w ʾḫrt -h
inscription of siglum U 036

U 036 /Stiehl A 31; Al-Qudrah 1993: 24, no. 31; AH 030; D 124

hnfy/bn/ṯʾlh w s¹byh ---- ṣf/ʾ– ẓlw/h- ẓll/l- ḏġbt bʿd/ml -hm ---- hm w ʾṯb -hm
inscription of siglum U 037

U 037

ʾrs²/bn zdlh/w bn -h/gffh ʾfyw/ẓll h- nq l- ḏġbt
inscription of siglum U 037.1

U 037.1

ʿys¹---- w rs²mṭ ʾẓll h---- b- byr ---- ----f/ʿ----ʾd----hm f rḍ -h/w ʾḫrt -h w
inscription of siglum U 038

U 038 /AH 029; D 152

ḏbn/ʿmr/bn/mrd ʾgw/h- ẓll/ḏh/l- ḏġbt ʿl----mʿ/hn- ʾfklt/b- bnʾl f rḍ -h/w ʾḫrt -h w ʾṯb -h/hnʾ/bn/ʿmr
inscription of siglum U 038.2

U 038.2

inscription of siglum U 039

U 039 /Stiehl B 01; Al-Qudrah 1993: 24, no. 32; AH 026; D 132

ʾrs²/bn bʿl/ʾs¹d hẓll/h- ẓll w fʿl/h- ṣlm l- ḏġbt f rḍ -h
inscription of siglum U 040

U 040 /Stiehl B 02; Al-Qudrah 1993: 24, no. 33; AH 025; D 133

qnlt/bn/ʿbdddh w bn -h/ms¹k/ʾgw h- ẓll/l- ḏġbt f rḍ -h/w ʾṯb -h
inscription of siglum U 040.1

U 040.1

ʾrs²/ʾyḏ ʾẓll h- ẓll hny/hn- ʾ– ḫrt
inscription of siglum U 041

U 041 /AH 021

mgd/bn/ḥrb ḫṯmh/hẓll l- ḏġbt/b- khl bʿd/ḫrf -h/b- bdr f rḍ -h/w ʾḫrt -h
inscription of siglum U 043

U 043 /AH 024; D 151

grm/bn/ʾs¹lm flṭ/ʾgw/ʾ– ẓll/l- ḏġbt bʿd/ṯbrt -h b- tqmm f rḍ -h/w ʾḫrt -h
inscription of siglum U 044

U 044

ʿbd/rgg/s¹l ḥ/ḏġbt/w ʾb -h/ʿnʾl/bn ---- ʾẓlw/l- ḏġbt b- khl/bʿd/m kn/l- -hm/b- bdr f rḍ -hm/w ʾḫr– t -hm/w ʾṯb -hm
inscription of siglum U 045.1

U 045.1

w---- bn hʾgy lnṯk/b- tʿ----