Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 34609 - 34632 of 38619 in total
inscription of siglum SSWS 169

SSWS 169

l wny bn ṣʿd bn s¹ḫr bn mfny bn nʿmn bn whb bn s¹b bn ʿḏrʾl bn bʿḏrh bn ġḍḍt w wgm ʿl- s¹krn f h lt ʿwr ḏ yʿwr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum SSWS 170

SSWS 170

l ṣʿd bn ṣʿd bn s¹ḫr
inscription of siglum SSWS 171

SSWS 171

l ʿqrb bn qḥs² bn ḥyn bn wʿl w rʿy h- ʾbl
inscription of siglum SSWS 172

SSWS 172

l ʿbdʾl bn ḫbbt.... bn .... rwḥ...... w wgd s¹fr ʾnʿm f bky
inscription of siglum SSWS 173

SSWS 173

l qdm bn qdm bn mʿz bn ṣrm bn nks² bn s²ʿʾl bn rbn bn zkr bn rs²ʾt
inscription of siglum SSWS 174

SSWS 174

l mlk bn ʾs¹wd
inscription of siglum SSWS 175

SSWS 175

l ṣʿd bn mlk bn ʿbd bn ʿḏ bn s²bb w rʿy h- ʾbl h- ʿrḍ bql w ts²wq ʾl- ḫr f h ds²r w lt ġnyt l- ḫr mn rʿyt
inscription of siglum SSWS 176

SSWS 176

l ks²dyt bn ḥrb
inscription of siglum SSWS 177

SSWS 177

l ḥrb bn ʾqlds¹ bn kʿmh bn s²ṭṭ
inscription of siglum SSWS 178

SSWS 178

l s¹ʿd bn ʿ.... w wgm
inscription of siglum SSWS 179

SSWS 179

l ṣʿb bn nẓr bn tm bn nẓr bn qḥs² w ḫrṣ ʿl- ʿḏ s¹qm f h lt brʾ l- ḏ s¹qm w wgm ʿl- grmʾl
inscription of siglum SSWS 180

SSWS 180

l tm bn ṣʿb bn nẓr bn tm
inscription of siglum SSWS 181

SSWS 181

l tm bn qtl bn s¹ḥly
inscription of siglum SSWS 182

SSWS 182

l kmlt bn ʿwḏn bn ḥmt bn ġlmt bn mr
inscription of siglum SSWS 183

SSWS 183

l ys¹mʿl bn ḫbn bn ṭr
inscription of siglum SSWS 184

SSWS 184

l ʾʿdl bn ḥrḍ bn ẓnn bn mhr w wgm ʿl- ḥbb
inscription of siglum SSWS 185

SSWS 185

l s¹ʿd bn ʿm w wgm
inscription of siglum SSWS 186

SSWS 186

l hknf bn ms¹k ḏ- ʾl s²ddt w rʿy h- ʾbl bql w wgm ʿl- yġṯ w ʿl- ḥwl w ʿl- ʾs¹r ḏ- ʾl zhr w ʿl- ṣdy w ʿl- nbt w ʿl- ḥfs¹ f wlh f h ʾlhn s¹lm l- ḏ s²rq w ḫrs¹ l- ḏ yʿwr h- s¹fr w ṣwy
inscription of siglum SSWS 187

SSWS 187

l rġḍ bn gs¹m bn s²ḥl bn tm w wgm ʿl- s¹krn f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum SSWS 188

SSWS 188

l ṣʿd bn tm bn s¹ḫr bn mfny bn nʿmn bn whb bn s¹b bn ʿḏrʾl bn bʿḏrh bn ġḍḍt w wgm ʿl- s¹krn
inscription of siglum SSWS 189

SSWS 189

l hwd bn s¹ʿd h- bkrt
inscription of siglum SSWS 190

SSWS 190

l grmʾl bn ʿly bn qs¹m
inscription of siglum SSWS 191

SSWS 191

l ḥs²s² bn s¹wr
inscription of siglum SSWS 192

SSWS 192

l frs¹ bn s²mq bn ʾws¹r w wgd ʾṯr ḫl -h f wlh