Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 35593 - 35616 of 38617 in total
inscription of siglum LP 718

LP 718

l ḥmlt bn ḃnt w ẓhr ʾs¹f -h mn- hḏ yʾs¹
inscription of siglum LP 719

LP 719

l qdm bn ḥml bn ʿlg bn ʾnʿm bn ʾs¹ bn ʾs²ym bn ʿbd bn ʾʾs¹d bn bwk w ṣyr m- mdbr f h lt s¹lm w rwḥ
inscription of siglum LP 720

LP 720

l s¹lm bn s¹r bn nẓr bn ḫṣyn w ṣyr mn- mhlk s¹nt ʾtm ʾḥlm
inscription of siglum LP 721

LP 721

l ʾnʿm bn ms¹k bn ḥd bn gʿl w wgm ʿl- ʾb -h
inscription of siglum LP 722

LP 722 /SG 1

l ʾʾs¹d bn s²ʿ bn ḥg bn s¹wd w ʿlf h- mʿzy s¹nt bʾs¹ w ḥgz -h bʿls¹mn ʿkd h- dṣn w ġnmt l- ḏ dʿy w ʿwr l- ḏ ʿwr h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum LP 723

LP 723 /SG 2

l wrd bn ḥg bn wrd w wgd s¹fr ʾb -h f ngʿ
inscription of siglum LP 724

LP 724 /SG 3

l ḫlṣ bn ḥd bn s¹ʿd bn ʿbd
inscription of siglum LP 725

LP 725 /SG 4

l ġrb bn ʾs²ym bn ʾʾs¹d
inscription of siglum LP 726

LP 726

l qs¹r bn rḫw
inscription of siglum AbaNS 1136

AbaNS 1136

l rmt
inscription of siglum LP 727

LP 727

l ʾs¹ bn ḥg bn s¹wd bn ʾs¹ bn ḥg w wgd ʾṯr ʾs¹ f ngʿ
inscription of siglum LP 728

LP 728

l ḍb bn s¹ḫr bn ʿbd bn ʾdm bn ms¹k w ts²wq ʾl- qs¹r f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum LP 729

LP 729

l ʾnʿm bn ʾs¹d bn ʾnʿm bn ʾs¹d bn rbʾl w rʿy h- mʿzy
inscription of siglum LP 730

LP 730

l grmʾl bn ḫl bn ḫs¹ln bn ḫl
inscription of siglum LP 731

LP 731

l ys¹ʿd bn ḫl bn ys¹ʿd bn qdm bn ns²ʿʾl
inscription of siglum LP 732

LP 732

l s²rk bn ḫl bn s¹krn bn ṣbḥ w ṭrd h- ḏʾb ẓl ʿm mn- ʿkd yglḥ f h lt s¹lm
inscription of siglum LP 733

LP 733

l nʿm bn ḥmy bn nṣr bn ʾws¹r bn bhs² bn ḫl
inscription of siglum LP 734

LP 734

l lḏn bn s¹r bn ṣbḥ bn qs²m f h rḍy s¹lm
inscription of siglum AbaNS 1131

AbaNS 1131

l bzz bn lhm
inscription of siglum LP 735

LP 735

l ʾdd bn ns²ʿʾl bn zlʿn bn ḫyḏ bn ʿḏr bn rmn w wgm ʿl- ḥm
inscription of siglum LP 736

LP 736

l ṣhln bn khl w nfr h- s¹hl s¹l
inscription of siglum LP 737

LP 737

l ʾḥlm bn ʿbd
inscription of siglum LP 738

LP 738

l ʿzhm bn lʿṯmn
inscription of siglum LP 739

LP 739

l ḥny bn nqm w nẓr ʾl- ----t rs²y zmlt h- hlk