Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 23377 - 23400 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 14

KRS 14

l ṣrmt bn ----rʾl bn ʾʿdw bn ḫl
inscription of siglum KRS 15

KRS 15 /KR 1

l ʿqrb bn mʿz bn ġzlt w wgd s¹fr ms¹k w ngʾt f tʿql w dwy w mṭy m- glʿd l- tdmr f h s²ʿhqm s¹lm w ġnyt l- ḏ s²ḥṣ
inscription of siglum KRS 16

KRS 16

l ms¹k bn rb bn ġzlt
inscription of siglum KRS 17

KRS 17

l ngʾt bn yʿly bn bny bn s²ʿ bn qmlt w wgd s¹fr ms¹k f bky w bʾs¹ mẓll w ḏkr ʾḫ -h s¹by s¹nt ws¹q ʾl mʿṣ w wgm ʿl- rb w ʿl- yʿly w ʿl- ----ḥ f wny
inscription of siglum KRS 18

KRS 18

l ṣʿd bn ġs¹m bn s²ḥl bn tm w wgm ʿl- ʿqrb w ʿl- ḫlt -h mnʿm trḥt w ḫrṣ f h lt w h s²ʿhqm rwḥ m ḏ ḫrṣ
inscription of siglum KRS 19

KRS 19

l ns²l bn mlk bn s¹ʿr bn nṣr bn mlk bn qw----
inscription of siglum KRS 20

KRS 20

l mrṣm
inscription of siglum KRS 21

KRS 21

l ms¹k bn grmʾl bn mġyr w
inscription of siglum KRS 22

KRS 22

l zd bn zd bn mrʾ bn ẓnnʾl bn mrʾ
inscription of siglum KRS 23

KRS 23

l khl bn ḃnt bn ʿbd
inscription of siglum KRS 24

KRS 24

l s²mt bn s¹krn bn s²mt w wgm ʿl- ʾḫw -h w ʾs²yʿ -h ḥrbn w wlh l- ʾbd ʿl- zkr w nẓr f h lt w gdḍf s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 25

KRS 25

l ʾnʿm bn tm bn ʾnʿm w rʿy h- ḍʾn w ṣyr m- mdbr l- ḫms¹t ʾrḫ s¹nt ngy whbʾl hdy w trwʿ l- rʿ -h ġfr f h lt qbll h- s¹lm w ʿwr ḏ yʿwr h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 26

KRS 26

l grmʾl bn mlk bn s¹ʿr bn nṣr bn mlk w rdf h- ḍʾn w ḥḍr ʾhl -h b- ʿnzt f wgd -h ms²rqt l- mdbr w ws¹q ʿl- ẓhr -h ḏld f h lt ġyrt w s¹lm w wgd ʾṯr ʾs²yʿ -h f ngʿ f h lt mḥlt l- ḏ yʿwr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum KRS 27

KRS 27

l s²rk bn ms²dt w tʾmr ʾḫ -h bʿd f qṣf f h lt qbll
inscription of siglum KRS 28

KRS 28

----s¹ʿʾl bn ḥrg ḏ dn ʿnzt
inscription of siglum KRS 29

KRS 29

---- bn s²rk bn ms²dt bn ṣyḥ bn ʿbd bn ʾm bn wrm w ḫrṣ ḏ bʿd m- ʾs²yʿ f h s²ʿhqm w ds²r w ʿr qbll w lʿn ḏ yʿwr h- s¹fr
inscription of siglum KRS 29.1

KRS 29.1

----nm bn ʿrn
inscription of siglum KRS 30

KRS 30

l ʾbn bn ʿnhlh h- dmy w ḫrṣ f h ṣlm ʾlh dmt rw<<>>ḥ
inscription of siglum KRS 31

KRS 31

l qʿṣn bn gmr bn gnʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 32

KRS 32

l s¹krn bn qḏy bn qdm w ẓlʿ mṭy f ʾḏm b- s²ʿhqm
inscription of siglum KRS 33

KRS 33

l s²gʾ bn s²ḥtr bn ʾḥtr w ḍbʾ f ġnm w ẓmʾ
inscription of siglum KRS 34

KRS 34

l qym bn mrʾ bn ẓnnʾl bn mrʾ w ts²wq ʾl- ġzlt ʾḫ -h m ḫlt wʿl f h s²ʿhqm qbll ʾs¹lm w ġnyt mn- rʿyt
inscription of siglum KRS 35

KRS 35

l khl bn qḥs² bn s¹mk w wgm ʿl- ʾb -h
inscription of siglum KRS 36

KRS 36

l mnʿt bn mgd bn mrʾ w wḥd f h s²ʿhqm s¹lm w h s²ʿnʿr s¹lm l- ḏ wḥd w ḫrṣ ʾhl -h m- ḥkrn