Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 23617 - 23640 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 247

KRS 247

l qdm bn s¹wdn bn mʿz bn ṯlm w ḫrṣ h- ʾbl m- mdbr f h s²ʿhqm s¹lm ----ths¹
inscription of siglum KRS 248

KRS 248

l ʾnʿm bn ʾnhr bn rbʿ h- dr
inscription of siglum KRS 249

KRS 249

<<>><<>>l fḍg bn glyt bn rbʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 250

KRS 250

l hwd bn ʿbd bn drh bn ʿnq h- dr w ḏkr ḥbb f wlh
inscription of siglum KRS 251

KRS 251

l rġḍ bn ġnṯ bn s¹ny h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 252

KRS 252

inscription of siglum KRS 253

KRS 253

l s²mtʾl bn ʾẓl bn rs¹l h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 254

KRS 254

l ʾmrʾl bn s²ddt
inscription of siglum KRS 255

KRS 255

l ʾbgr bn nʿmn bn ʾbgr bn nṣr bn grmʾl bn kn w ḥll h- dr f h ʾṯʿ s¹lm w ġnmt l- ḏ dʿy w ʿwr l- ḏ ʿwr h- tll
inscription of siglum KRS 256

KRS 256

l ms¹k bn nṣr bn ẓnʾl w ḏbḥ f h s²ʿhqm s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 257

KRS 257

l qdm bn qdm bn mʿz
inscription of siglum KRS 258

KRS 258

l ʾbgr bn nʿmn bn ʾbgr bn nṣr bn grmʾl bn kn bn nʿmn bn wʿl bn rbn bn s²ʿr bn kn bn ṭḥrt bn hws¹r bn bʾs² bn ḍf
inscription of siglum KRS 259

KRS 259

l ġṯ bn ġṯ bn hnʾl bn ẓnnʾl bn ʾḥlm w ʿwr l- ḏ ʿwr h- tll
inscription of siglum KRS 260

KRS 260

l s¹ʿd bn s¹bʿʾl bn ḥyn bn ʾḫwf bn ʾflṭ bn ʿm bn ʾs¹d bn bwk bn ʿrs¹ bn whbʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 261

KRS 261

l mty bn ʿdy bn mty bn mkbl w ḥll h- dr
inscription of siglum KRS 262

KRS 262

l s¹ʾr bn ʾs²ym bn qʿṣn bn ʾs²hl bn s²qr w ʾty m- mdbr m<<>>ʿ h- ḍʾnt f s¹lm h lt
inscription of siglum KRS 263

KRS 263

l ʿln bn ----
inscription of siglum KRS 264

KRS 264

l ʿḏl bn rḥṣt bn hws¹r
inscription of siglum KRS 265

KRS 265

l ʿzm bn gn bn rfd
inscription of siglum KRS 266

KRS 266

l ḥwrn bn ʾṣʿt
inscription of siglum KRS 267

KRS 267

l gml bn ḥnt
inscription of siglum KRS 268

KRS 268

l s²rw bn flṭl h- dr w ʾn ʾtm bn s²rw
inscription of siglum KRS 269

KRS 269

l mrt bn hls¹ w ḍbʾ h lt ġnmt w s¹lm ʿl- ġnm -h
inscription of siglum KRS 270

KRS 270

l ʾglḥ bn s¹by bn ʾm w wgm ʿl- ḥbb f h rḍy rwḥ