Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 2497 - 2520 of 14487 in total
Bravmann 1977 Bravmann, M.M. ʿAlqamahʾs Warning of the Approach of an Enemy. Pages 574-592 in M.M. Bravmann (ed.), Studies in Semitic Philology. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
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Bravmann 1951 Bravmann, M.M. On the Spiritual Background of Early Islam and the History of its Principle Concepts. Le Muséon 64, 1951: 317-356.
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Bravmann 1977 Bravmann, M. M. Studies in Semitic philology. Studies in semitic languages and linguistics ; 6. ix-597 p. ;. Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1977.,
Bravmann 1977 Bravmann, M.M. The Origin of Some Arabic Pronouns. A: The Object Pronouns formed with īyā-; B: The Relative Pronoun allaḏī; C: The Demonstrative Pronoun ḏālika and Related Forms. Pages 182-194 in M.M. Bravmann (ed.), Studies in Semitic Philology. Leiden: Brill, 1977.
Bravmann 1971 Bravmann, M.M. The Origin of the Arabic Object Pronouns formed with “iya-”. Journal of Semitic Studies 16, 1971: 50-52.
Bravmann 1972 Bravmann, M.M. The Spiritual Background of Early Islam. Studies in Ancient Arab Concepts. Leiden: Brill, 1972.
Bray 2005 Bray, J. ʿAbbasid Myth and the Human Act: Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih and Others. in P.F. Kennedy (ed.), On Fiction and Adab in Medieval Arabic Literature. (Studies in Arabic Language and Literature, 6). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005.
Bray 2009 Bray, J. Christian king, Muslim apostate: depictions of Jabala ibn al-Ayham in early Arabic sources. in M. Debié, H. Kennedy & A. Papaconstantinou (eds), Writing 'True Stories': Historians and Hagiographers in the Late Antique and Medieval Near East. Leuven: Brepols, 2009.
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Brennan 1998 Brennan, P.M. The Last of the Romans: Roman Identity and the Roman Army in the Late Roman Near East. Mediterranean Archaeology 11, 1998: 191-203.
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Bresciani 1997 Bresciani, E. Incenso mirra e cinnamomo. Prodotti esotica nella farmacopea egiziana antica. Pages 449-459 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Profumi d'Arabia. Atti del convegno. (Saggi di Storia Antica, 11). Roma: “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, 1997.
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Bresslau & Klewitz 1931 Bresslau, Harry, Klewitz, Hans-Walter Handbuch der Urkundenlehre für Deutschland und Italien. 2. Bd, 2. Abt.. p.393-664 ;. Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1931. 2. Aufl.,