Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 2425 - 2448 of 14487 in total
Bowersock 1970 Bowersock, G.W. The Annexation and Initial Garrison of Arabia. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 5, 1970: 37-47.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. The Arabian Ares. Pages 231-235 in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: Tria Corda: Scritti in onore di Arnoldo Momigliano. (Biblioteca di Athenaeum, 1). 1983: 43-47. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. The Babatha Papyri, Masada, and Rome, Review-article on Naphtali Lewis. Pages 213*-228*, 432* in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: Journal of Roman archaeology 4, 1991: 336-344. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 1990 Bowersock, G.W. The Cult and Representation of Dusares in Roman Arabia. in F. Zayadine (ed.), Petra and the Caravan Cities. Proceedings of the Symposium organised at Petra in September 1985 by The Department of Antiquities of Jordan and the Iconographic Lexicon of Classical Mythology (LIMC) with the financial support of UNESCO. Republished as pp. 245*-252*, 433* in G.W. Bowersock, Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire. Social, Economic and Administrative History Religion and Historiography. (Bibliotheca eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1990.
Bowersock 2005 Bowersock, G.W. The East-West Orientation of Mediterranean Studies and the Meaning of North and South in Antiquity. Pages 167-178 in W.V. Harris (ed.), Rethinking the Mediterranean. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Bowersock 1975 Bowersock, G.W. The Greek-Nabataean Bilingual Inscription at Ruwāfa, Saudi Arabia. Pages 513-522 in J. Bingen, G. Cambrier, G. Nachtergael (eds), Hommages à Claire Préaux. Université Libre de Bruxelles faculté de Philosophie et de Lettres. (Le Monde Grec, 52). Republished as pp. 203*-212*, 432* in G.W. Bowersock, Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire. Social, Economic and Administrative History Religion and Historiography. (Bibliotheca eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994. Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles faculté de Philosophie et de Lettres, 1975.
Bowersock 2003 Bowersock, G.W. The Hellenistic Lejaʾ. Pages 341-348La Syrie hellénistique. (Topoi Supplément, 4). Paris: de Boccard, 2003.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. The Imperial Cult: Perceptions and Persistence. Pages 327-342 in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. B.F. Mayer & E.P. Sanders (eds), Jewish and Christian Self-Definition. III, 1982: 171-182, 238-241. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 2000 Bowersock, G.W. The International Role of Late Antique Cyprus. 14th Annual Lecture on the History and Archaeology of Cyprus. Nicosia: The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 2000.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. The Miracle of Memnon. Pages 253*-264*, 433* in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 21 (Festschrift for J.F. Gilliam) 1984 [1985]: 21-32. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 1993 Bowersock, G.W. The New Greek Inscription from South Yemen. in J.S. Langdon, S.W. Reinert, J.S. Allen, and C.P. Ioannides (eds), ΤΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ. Studies in Honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr. Volume 1: Hellenic Antiquity and Byzantium. Reprinted as pp. 285*-290*, 433* in G.W. Bowersock, Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire. Social, Economic and Administrative History Religion and Historiography. (Bibliotheca eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994. Cf. Bull. Epigraphique 1994. 672.. New Rochelle, NY: Caratzas, 1993.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. The New Greek Inscription from South Yemen. Pages 285*-290*, 433* in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: J.S. Langton et al. (eds), TO ELLHNIKON: Studies in honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr. I. 1993: 3-8.. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 1999 Bowersock, G.W. The New Inscription from Rāsūn in Jordan. Syria 76, 1999: 223-225.
Bowersock 2003 Bowersock, G.W. The Tel Shalem Arch and P. Naḥal Ḥever / Seiyal 8. Pages 171-180 in P. Schäfer (ed.), The Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered. New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome. (Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum, 100). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003.
Bowersock 1988 Bowersock, G.W. The Three Arabias in Ptolemy's Geography. Pages 47-53 in P-L. Gatier, B. Helly, J-P. Rey-Coquais (eds), Géographie historique au Proche-Orient: Syrie, Phénicie, Arabie, grecques, romaines, byzantines. Actes de la Table Ronde de Valbonne, 16-18 septembre 1985. (Notes et monographies techniques, 23). Réimpression intégrale [1990] de l'édition publiée en 1988 Republished as pp. 363*-369* in G.W. Bowersock, Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire. Social, Economic and Administrative History Religion and Historiography. (Bibliotheca eruditorum, 9). Goldbach:. Paris: Éditions du CNRS, 1988.
Bowersock 2013 Bowersock, G.W. The Throne of Adulis. Red Sea Wars on the Eve of Islam. (Emblems of Antiquity). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. Tylos and Tyre: Bahrain in the Graeco-Roman World. Pages 267-274 in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: H.A. Al Khalifa & M. Rice (eds), Bahrain through the Ages: The Archaeology. 1986: 399-406. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowman, Champlin, Lintott 1996 Bowman, A.K., Champlin, E., Lintott, A. The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume X. The Augustan Empire, 43 B.C.-A.D. 69. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Bowman, Garnsey, Rathbone 2000 Bowman, A.K., Garnsey, P., Rathbone, D. The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume XI. The High Empire, A.D. 70-192. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Bowman AK 1991 Bowman, A.K. Literacy in the Roman empire: mass and mode. Pages 119-131 in J.H. Humphrey (ed.), Literacy in the Roman World. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 3). Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1991.
Bowman AK 1994 Bowman, A.K. The Roman imperial army: letters and literacy on the northern frontier. Pages 109-125 in Bowman and Woolf (eds.), Literacy and power in the ancient world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Bowman AK & Thomas JD 1994 Bowman, A.K. & Thomas, J.D. The Vindolanda Writing-Tablets (Tabulae Vindolandenses II). with contributions by J.N. Adams. London: British Museum, 1994.
Bowman AK & Woolf 1994 Bowman, A.K. & Woolf, G. (eds.) Literacy and power in the ancient world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Bowman AK & Woolf 1994 Bowman*A.K. & Woolf, G. (eds.) Literacy and power in the ancient world. in Bowman and Woolf (eds.), Literacy and power in the ancient world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.