Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 2353 - 2376 of 14487 in total
Boucheman 1935 Boucheman, A. de Matériel de la vie bédouine: recueilli dans le désert de Syrie (tribu des Arabes de Sbaʿa). (Documents d'études orientales de l'Institut français de Damas, 3). Damas: Institut Français de Damas, 1935.
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Boudou 1929 Boudou Liste de noms géographiques. Orientalia 36-38, 1929.. 201 p. ;. Roma : Pontificio Inst. Biblico, 1929.,
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Bounni & Teixidor 1975 Bounni, A. & Teixidor, J. Inventaire des inscriptions de Palmyre. XII. Publications de la Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées de la République Arabe Syrienne. Damas : Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées, 1975.
Bounni 1997 Bounni, A. Un nouveau bas-relief palmyrénien de Doura-Europos. Pages 215-218 in P. Leriche & M. Gelin (eds), Doura - Europos Études IV 1991-1993. (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 149). Beyrouth: IFAPO, 1997.
Bounni 1996 Bounni, A. Zenobie et Zabbaʾ, histoire et légende. Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 42, 1996: 261.
Bourgarel-Musso 1934 Bourgarel-Musso, A. Recherches économique sur l'afrique romaine. Revue Africaine 75, 1934: 354-414, 491-520.
Bourke 2014 Bourke, S. New Light on Classical and Late Antique Pella. ACOR Newsletter 26:1, 2014: 1-6.
Boussac & Salles 1995 Boussac, M.-F. & Salles, J.-F. (eds) Athens, Aden, Arikamedu. Essays on the interrelations between India, Arabia and the Eastern Mediterranean. New Delhi: Manohar, 1995.
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Bouwer 2001 Bouwer, C.G. 'Unless the Bāšā wants it' - military materials sold by the Indians and the Dutch in the market of al-Muḫā during the Qāsimid Revolution. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 31, 2001: 23-29.
Bowen & Albright FP 1958 Bowen, R.L. & Albright, F.P. Archaeological discoveries in South Arabia. With contributions by B. Segall, J. Ternbach, A. Jamme, H. Comfort & G. Van Beek. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 2). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1958.
Bowen 1950 Bowen, R.LeB. The Early Arabian Necropolis of Ain Jawan. A Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Site on the Persian Gulf. (Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Supplementary Studies, 07/09/2012). New Haven, CT: American Schools of Oriental Research, 1950.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. An Arabian Trinity. Pages 237-241 in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: G.W.E. Nickelsburg & G.W. MacRae (eds), Christians among Jews and Gentiles, Festschrift for Krister Stendahl. Harvard Theological Review 79, 1986: 17-21. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G.W. An New Antonine Inscription from the Syrian Desert. Pages 195*-201*, 432* in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: Chiron 6, 1976: 349-355. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 1994 Bowersock, G. W. Arabs and Saracens in the "Historia Augusta". Pages 385*-394*, 434* in D. Maffei & H. Fuhrmann (eds), Studies on the Eastern Roman Empire: Social, Economic and Administrative History, Religion, Historiography. Originally published in: Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1984-85 [1987]: 71-80. (Bibliotheca Eruditorum, 9). Goldbach: Keip, 1994.
Bowersock 1971 Bowersock, G.W. A Report on Arabia Provincia. Journal of Roman Studies 61, 1971: 219-242, pls 14-15.
Bowersock 2008 Bowersock, G.W. Aristides and the Pantomimes. Pages 69-77 in W.V. Harris & B. Holmes (eds), Aelius Aristides bteween Greece, Rome, and the Gods. (Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, 33). Ledien: Brill, 2008.