Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 289 - 312 of 14487 in total
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Ahlström 1983 Ahlström, G.W. Was Gad the God of Tell ed-Duweir?. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 115, 1983: 47-48.
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Aḥmad 2009 Aḥmad, A.S. Al-nuqūš al-tadmuriyyah al-qadīmah. Al-ǧuzʾ al-ʾawwal (al-nuqūš al-naḏrīyah) . 1. Damascus: Manšūrāt al-hayʾah al-ʿāmah as-sūriyyah li-l-kitāb, 2009.
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Aimé-Giron 1939 Aimé-Giron, N. Fragment de lettre. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 39, 1939: 339-343.
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Aimé-Giron 1931 Aimé-Giron, N. Textes araméens d'Egypte . Le Caire : Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1931.
Ainsworth 1841 Ainsworth, W. Notes of an Excursion to Ḳalʾah Sherḳát, the U'r of the Persians, and to the ruins of Al Ḥadhr, the Hutra of the Chaldees, and Hatra of the Romans. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 11, 1841
Aissani & Mechehed 2008 Aissani, Dj. & Mechehed, Dj. Usages de l'écriture et production des savoirs dans la Kabylie du XIXe siècle. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée 121-122, 2008: 239-259.
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Aitchison 1984 Aitchison, J. Language Change: Progress or Decay?. London: Fontana, 1984.
Aitken 2008 Aitken, J.K. Phonological Phenomena in Greek Papyri and Inscriptions and their Significance for the Septuagint. Pages 256-277 in J. Corley & V. Skemp (eds), Studies in the Greek Bible. Essays in Honor of Francis T. Gignac, S.J.. (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, 44). Washington, DC: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 20089.
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