Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 193 - 216 of 14487 in total
Achrati 2006 Achrati, A. The Story of the Arabian Rock Art: a Thamudic ‘Informant’. Rock Art Research 23/02/2012, 2006: 153-164.
Ackermans, Huigens & Brüning 2014 Ackermans, P.P.M.G., Huigens, H.O. & Brüning, M.L. A landscape of preservation: late prehistoric settlement and sequence in the Jebel Qurma region, north-eastern Jordan. Levant 46:2, 2014: 186-205.
Ackerman 1997 Ackerman, S. The prayer of Nabonidus, Elijah on Mount Carmel, and the development of Monotheism in Israel. Pages 51-65 in W.G. Dever & J.E. Wright (eds), The Echoes of Many texts. Festschrift L.H. Silberman. Atlanta, GA: , 1997.
Ackroyd 1951 Ackroyd, P.R. The Hebrew Root bʾš. Journal of Theological Studies 2, 1951: 31-36.
Adam 1977 Adam, J.-P. Á propos du trilithon de Baalbek. Le transport et la mise en oeuvre des mégalithes. Syria 54, 1977: 31-63.
Adams JN 2003 Adams, J.N. Bilingualism and the Latin Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Adams JN, Janse & Swain 2002 Adams, J.N., Janse, M. & Swain, S. (eds) Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Text. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Adams JN 1994 Adams, J.N. Latin and Punic in Contact? The Case of the Bu Njem Ostraca. Journal of Roman Studies 84, 1994: 87-112.
Adams JN 1995 Adams, J.N. The Language of the Vindolanda Writing Tablets: An Interim Report. Journal of Roman Studies 85, 1995: 86-134.
Adams RMcC, Parr, Ibrahim & Mughannum 1977 Adams, R.McC., Parr, P.J., Ibrahim, M. & Mughannum, A.S. al- Saudi Arabian Archaeological Reconnaissance 1976. The Preliminary Report on the First Phase of the Comprehensive Archaeological Survey Program. Atlal 1, 1977: 21-40.
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Adams WY 1982 Adams, W.Y. Primis and the "Aethiopian" Frontier. Journal of the American Research Centre in Egypt 19, 1982: 93-104.
Addison 2007 Addison, E. Doing With and Doing Without: water use patterns amongst the Qastal Fayez of Bani Sakhr. Pages 19-24 in E.J. van der Steen & B.A. Saidel (eds), On the Fringe of Society: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on Pastoral and Agricultural Societies. (BAR International Series, 1657). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007.
AMCB Adler, J.G.C. Museum Cuficum Borgianum Velitris. Romae: Fulgonium, 1782.
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Adly 1988 Adly, S. el- Tigrahit - Tisyahit: The Harvest and Fire Festival in Siwa. The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic 1, 1988: 142-154, and 3 plates.
Aelian/Mathew 2012 Aelian/Mathew, C. (ed., transl.) The Tactics of Aelian or On the Military Arrangements of the Greeks. A New Translation of the Manual that Influenced Warfare for Fifteen Centuries. Revised, Translated and Edited.. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2012.
Aelian / A.F. Scholfield 1959 Aelian On the Characteristics of Animals. (3 volumes). [English translation by A.F. Schofield]. London: Heinemann / Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Loeb Classical Library, 1959.
Afsaruddin & Zahniser 1997 Afsaruddin, A. & Zahniser, A.H.M. (eds) Humanism, Culture, and Language in the Near East. Studies in Honor of Georg Krotkoff. Winona Lake, IA: Eisenbrauns, 1997.
Agatharchides of Cnidus / S.M. Burstein 1989 Agatharchides of Cnidus / S.M. Burstein On the Erythraean Sea. Translated and edited by S.M. Burstein. London. On the Erythraean Sea. Translated and edited by S.M. Burstein. (Works issued by the Hackluyt Society, Second series, 172). London: Hakluyt Society, 1989.
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Aggoula 1992 Aggoula, B. Deux inscriptions syriaques de la Syrie du nord. Syria 69, 1992: 401-407.
Aggoula 1992 Aggoula, B. Deux parchemins en graphie édessénienne provenant de la Mésopotamie romaine . Syria 69, 1992: 391-400.