Reference Results
Displaying citations 4129 - 4152 of 14522 in total
Parrot 1976 | Parrot, A. [Review of Leclant 1975 (Le déchiffrement des écritures et des langues)]. Syria 53, 1976: 343. | |
Parrot 1975 | Parrot, A. [Review of Perkins 1973 (The Art of Dura-Europos)]. Syria 52, 1975: 153-154. | |
Parrot 1953 (2nd. edition) | Parrot, André Archéologie mésopotamienne. Sciences d'aujourd'hui. 2 vol., 542 p.-xvi pl., 470 p.-vii pl. :. Paris : Albin Michel, 1946, 1953., | |
Parrot 1939 | Parrot, A. Malédictions et Violations de Tombes. Paris: Geuthner, 1939. | |
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Parr, Harding & Dayton 1968-1969 [1970] | Parr, P.J., Harding, G.L. & Dayton, J.E. Preliminary Survey in N.W. Arabia, 1968 [Introduction, Part I: Archaeology, Appendix: A Note on the Epigraphy by G.L. Harding]. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London 8-9, 1968-1969 [1970]: 193-242. | |
Parr & Gazdar 1980 | Parr, P.J. & Gazdar, M. A Report on the Soundings at Zubayda (al-ʾAmāra) in the al-Qasim Region: 1979. Atlal 4, 1980: 107-117. | |
Parr, Atkinson, Wickens 1975 | Parr, P.J., Atkinson, K.B., Wickens, E.H. Photogrammetric Work at Petra, 1965-1968: An Interim Report. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 20, 1975: 31-46. | |
Parr 2008 | Parr, P.J. Dating the hydraulic installations in the Siq at Petra. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 140, 2008: 81-86. | |
Parr 1996 | Parr, P.J. Further Reflections on Late Second Millennium Settlement in North West Arabia. Pages 213-218 in J.D. Seger (ed.), Retrieving the Past. Essays on Archaeological Research and Methodology in Honor of Gus W. Van Beek. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996. | |
Parr 1996 | Parr, P.J. The Architecture of Petra: Review Article [of McKenzie 1990 (McAP)]. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128, 1996: 63-70. | |
Parr 1993 | Parr, P.J. The Early History of the Hejaz: A Response to Garth Bawden. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 4, 1993: 48-58. | |
Parr 1992 | Parr, P.J. Edom and the Hejaz. Pages 41-46 in P. Bienkowski (ed.), Early Edom and Moab. The Beginning of the Iron Age in Southern Jordan. (Sheffield Archaeological Monongraphs, 7). Sheffield: Collis with National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, 1992. | |
Parr 1989 | Parr, P.J. Aspects of the Archaeology of North-West Arabia in the First Millennium BC. Pages 39-66 in T. Fahd (ed.), L'Arabie préislamique et son environnement historique et culturel. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg, 24-27 juin 1987, Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg. (Travaux du Centre de Recherche sur le Proche-Orient et la Grèce Antiques, 10). Leiden: Brill, 1989. | |
Parr 1988 | Parr, P.J. Pottery of the Late Second Millennium B.C. from North West Arabia and Its Historical Implications. Pages 72-89 in D.T. Potts (ed.), Araby the Blest: Studies in Arabian Archaeology. (Carsten Niehbuhr Institute Publications, 7). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1988. | |
Parr 1985 | Parr, P.J. The Last Days of Petra. Pages 192-205 in [no ed.], Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bilād al-Shām, Amman. 1985. | |
Parr 1984 [1985] | Parr, P.J. The Present State of Archaeological Research in the Arabian Peninsula: Achievements of the Past, and Problems for the Futur. Pages 43-54 in A.M. Abdalla, S. al-Sakkal, R. Mortel (eds.), Studies in the History of Arabia. Pre-Islamic Arabia. 2. Riyadh: King Saʾud University Press, 1984 [1985]. | |
Parr 1982 | Parr, P.J. Contacts between N.W. Arabia and Jordan in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages. Pages 127-133 in A. Hadidi (ed.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. I. (Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 1). Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1982. | |
Parr 1979 | Parr, P.J. Archaeological Sources for the Early History of North-West Arabia. Pages 37-44 in A.T. al-Ansary, A.M. Abdalla, S. al-Sakkar, R.T. Mortel (eds), Studies in the History of Arabia. 1. Sources for the History of Arabia. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Studies in the History of Arabia, 23rd. —28th of April 1977, sponsored by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Part 1. Riyadh: University of Riyadh Press, 1979 [1981]. | |
Parr 1970 | Parr, P.J. The Nabataeans and North-West Arabia in the Arabia Society [Seminar I]. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London 08/09/2012, 1970: 250-253. | |
Parr 1968 | Parr, P.J. The Investigation of some ‘Inaccessible’ Rock-Cut Chambers at Petra. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 100, 1968 | |
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Parr 1962 | Parr, P.J. A Nabataean Sanctuary Near Petra. A Preliminary Notice. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 06/07/2012, 1962: 21-23, pl. 8-11 fig. 7. |