Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 4201 - 4224 of 14487 in total
Dussaud 1952 Dussaud, R. [Review of Ryckmans G 1951 (Inscriptions sud-arabes: 9ème série)]. Syria 29, 1952: 162.
Dussaud 1952 Dussaud, R. [Review of Ryckmans G 1951 (RyBM)]. Syria 29, 1952: 162.
Dussaud 1957 Dussaud, R. [Review of Ryckmans J 1956 (RPT)]. Syria 34, 1957: 396-397.
Dussaud 1931 Dussaud, R. [Review of Sprengling 1931 (The Alphabet)]. Syria 12, 1931: 283-286.
Dussaud 1951 Dussaud, R. [Review of Van den Branden 1950 (BIT)]. Syria 28, 1951: 304-305.
Dussaud 1936 Dussaud, R. Sur le chemin de Suse et de Babylone. Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 4, 1936: 143-150, pl. 1-2.
Dussaud 1941 Dussaud, R. Thamud et Safa. Syria 22, 1941: 298-299.
Dussaud 1927 Dussaud, R. Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et médiévale. Haut-commissariat de la République Française en Syrie et au Liban, Service des Antiquités et des Beaux-Arts. (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 4). Paris: Geuthner, 1927.
Dussaud 1913 Dussaud, R. Un monument du culte syrien et d'époque perse. Revue de l'histoire des religions 68, 1913: 62-68.
Dussaud 1896 Dussaud, R. Voyage en Syrie (octobre-novembre 1895). Notes archéologiques. Revue archéologique 3rd. series, 28, 1896: 299-336.
Dutens 1773 Dutens, L. Explication de quelques médailles de Peuples, de Villes, et de Rois Grecques & Phéniciennes. London: Thane, 1773.
Dutton 1988 Dutton, R.W. (ed.) The Scientific Results of the Royal Geographical Society's Oman Wahiba Sands Project 1985–1987. (Journal of Oman Studies Special Report, 3). Muscat: Office of the Advisor for Conservation and the Environment, Diwan of the Toyal Court., 1988.
Dutton Y 2007 Dutton, Y. An Umayyad Fragment of the Qur’an and its Dating. Journal of Qur’anic Studies 9, 2007: 57-87.
Dutz 1989 Dutz, K.D. (ed.) Speculum historiographiae linguisticae.. Kurzbeiträge der IV. Internationalen Konferenz zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaften (ICHoLS IV) Trier, 24. - 27. August 1987. Münster: Nodus, 1989.
Duval 1894 Duval, R. Note sur le monument funéraire appelé NPŠ. Revue sémitique d'épigraphie et d'histoire ancienne 2, 1894: 259-263.
Duval 1890 Duval, R. Observations sur deux mots nabatéens ("bly-blʾ";"msgdʾ"). Journal asiatique 8e série, 15, 1890: 480-482.
Duvette 2010 Duvette, C. Habitat byzantin dans la steppe : maisons et villages de terre. Pages 175-207 in P-L. Gatier, B. Geyer & M-O Rousset (eds), Entre nomades et sédentaires. Prospections en Syrie du Nord et en Jordanie du Sud. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 55. Conquête de la steppe 3). Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2010.
Eades 2014 Eades, D. Syncretism in the verbal morphology of the Modern South Arabian Languages. Pages 19-28 in O. Elmaz & J.C.E. Watson (eds), Languages of Southern Arabia. (Supplement to volume 44 of the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2014.
Eadie 1996 Eadie, J. One hundred years of rebellion: the eastern army in politics, A.D. 175-272. Pages 135-151 in D.L. Kennedy (ed.), The Roman Army in the East. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 18). Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1996.
Eadie 1996 Eadie, J. The Transformation of the Eastern Frontier, 260-305. Pages 72-82 in R.W. Mathisen and H.S. Sivan (eds), Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity. papers from the First Interdisciplinary Conference on Late Antiquity, the University of Kansas, March 1995. Aldershot: Variorum, 1996.
Eadie 1985 Eadie, J.W. Artifacts of Annexation. Trajan's Grand Strategy and Arabia. Pages 407-423 in J.W. Eadie and J. Ober (eds.), The Craft of the Ancient Historian. Essays in Honor of Chester G. Starr. New-York: University Press of America, 1985.
Eadie 1984 Eadie, J.W. Humayma 1983, the Regional Survey. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 28, 1984: 211-224.
Eadie 1989 Eadie, J.W. Strategies of Economic Development in the Roman East. The Red Sea Trade Revisited. Pages 113-120 in D.H. French and C.S. Lightfoot (eds.), The Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire. Colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988 (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 11). (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 553). Oxford, 1989.
Eadie 1986 Eadie, J.W. The Evolution of the Roman Frontier in Arabia. Pages 243-252 in P. Freeman and D. Kennedy (eds.), The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East. Proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield, April 1986 (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 8). (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 297.1). 1986.