Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 4345 - 4368 of 14487 in total
Emerton 1965 Emerton, J.A. Some comments on the shibboleth incident (Judges XII 6). in A. Caquot, S. Légasse, M. Tardieu, Mélanges bibliques et orientaux en l'honneur de M. Mathias Delcor. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 215). Neukirchen / Vluyn: Kevelaer, 1965.
Emerton 1997 Emerton, J.A. The Biblical High Place in the Light of Recent Study. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129, 1997: 116-132.
Emerton 1962 Emerton, J.A. Unclean Birds and the Origin of the Peshitta. Journal of Semitic Studies 7, 1962: 204-211.
Emerton 2001 Emerton, J.A. Were the Lachish Letters sent to or from Lachish. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 133, 2001
Emery 1986 Emery, P. {Review of} S.A. Sowayan, Nabaṭī Poetry. The Oral Poetry of Arabia. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1985). Journal of Semitic Studies 31, 1986: 280-281.
Emery WB & Kirwan 1938 Emery, W.B. & Kirwan, L.P. The Royal Tombs of Ballana and Qustul. Mission archéologique de Nibie 1929-1934. Cairo: Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte, 1938.
Endress 1982 Endress, G. Die arabische Schrift. Herkunft und Entwicklung der arabischen Schrift. Pages 164-197 in W. Fischer (ed.), Grundriß der Arabischen Philologie. Band I: Sprachwissenschaft. 1. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1982.
Eneman 1889 Eneman, M. in K.U. Nylander (ed.), Resa i Orienten 1711-1712. Upsala: Schultz, 1889.
Engel 2013 Engel, E. Script, History of Development. Pages 485-502 in G. Khan (ed.), Encylopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. 3. Leiden: Brill, 2013.
Engelleder 2002 Engelleder, D. Die islamistische Bewegung in Jordanien und Palästina 1945-1989. (Jenaer Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, 6). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2002.
Engler 1968 Engler, R. Lexique de la terminologie saussurienne. Comité International Permanent des Linguistes (C.I.P.L), publication de la Commission de Terminologie. Utrecht: Spectrum, 1968.
Englund 2011 Englund, R.K. Accounting in Proto-cuneiform. Pages 32-50 in K. Radner & E. Robson (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Ephʿal 1974 Ephʿal, I. “Arabs” in Babylonia in the 8th. Century B.C.. Journal of the American Oriental Society 94, 1974: 108-115.
Ephʿal 2005 Ephʿal, I. Esarhaddon, Egypt, and Shubria: Politics and Propaganda. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 57, 2005: 99-111.
Ephʿal 1976 Ephʿal, I. “Ishmael” and “Arab(s)”: A Transformation of Ethnological Terms. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 35, 1976: 225-235.
Ephʿal Ephʿal, I. Mašmaʿuto šel ha-.
Ephʿal 1970 Ephʿal, I. Mašmaʿûtô šel ha-ššiltôn ha-ʿimpêrîalî ha-ʾšûrî ʿal pî teʿûdôt lô-siprûtîôt ha-nnôgʿôt le-“ ʿeber ha-nnahar ”. Beʾer Šeba 19, 1970: 31-69.
Ephʿal & Naveh 1996 Ephʿal, I. & Naveh, J. Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century B.C. from Idumaea. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1996.
Ephʿal & Naveh 1989 Ephʿal, I. & Naveh, J. Hazael's Booty Inscriptions. Israel Exploration Journal 39, 1989: 192-200.
Ephʿal & Naveh 1998 Ephʿal, I. & Naveh, J. Remarks on the Recently Published Moussaieff Ostraca. Israel Exploration Journal 48, 1998: 269-273.
Ephʿal & Naveh 1993 Ephʿal, I. & Naveh, J. The Jar of the Gate. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 289, 1993: 59-65.
Ephʿal 2003 Ephʿal, I. Nebuchadnezzar the Warrior: Remarks on his Military Achievements. Israel Exploration Journal 53, 2003: 178-191.
Ephʿal 2004 Ephʿal, I. On the Common Literary Expressions of the Ancient Semites. Pages 25-31 in C. Cohen, A. Hurvitz, & S.M. Paul (eds), Sefer Moshe. The Moshe Weinfeld Jubilee Jubilee Volume. Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, Qumran, and Post-Biblical Judaism. Winona Lake, IA: Eisenbrauns, 2004.
Ephʿal 1983 Ephʿal, I. On the Political and Social Organization of the Jews in the Babylonian Exile. Pages 106-112(Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Supplement, 5). Many misprints because the author did not receive proofs. 1983.