Reference Results
Displaying citations 4393 - 4416 of 14522 in total
Nuʿmān 2013 | Nuʿmān, Ḫ.H.A. Nuqūš ǧadīdah min ḏamār. Raydān 8, 2013: 291-311. | |
NRW.F | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a small cairn on the west side of the "Roman road" between al-Namārah and the Ruḥbah, and published here. | |
NRW.D | NRW.D | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a large low cairn surmounted by a small pile of stones on the west side of the "Roman road" between al-Namārah and the Ruḥbah, and published here. |
NRW.C | NRW.C | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a tiny cairn or tumbled sheep-pen, 200 m west of the "Roman road" between al-Namārah and the Ruḥbah, and published here. |
NRE.B | NRE.B | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a large cairn on the east side of the "Roman road" between al-Namārah and the Wādī Gharz, and published here. |
Noy & Bloedhorn 2004 | Noy, D. & Bloedhorn, H. (eds) Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis. Vol. 3: Syria and Cyprus. (Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum, 102). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2004. | |
Nowack 1894 | Nowack, Wilhelm Lehrbuch der hebräischen Archäologie. Sammlung theologischer Lehrbücher. 396-323 p. :. Freiburg ; J. C. B. Mohr, , | |
Notroff, Schmidt, Siegel & Khalil 2014 | Notroff, J., Schmidt, K., Siegel, U. & Khalil, L. Reconstructing networks, linking spaces - the view from the Aqaba region (Jordan). Levant 46:2, 2014: 249-267. | |
Notley & Safrai 2005 | Notley, R.S. & Safrai, Z. Eusebius, Onomasticon: the Place-Names of Divine Scripture, including the Latin edition of Jerome, translated into English with topographical commentary. (Jewish and Christian Perspectives, 9). Leiden: Brill, 2005. | |
Noth M 1932 | Noth, M. [Review of Lesch 1931 (Arabien: eine landeskundliche Skizze)]. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 55, 1932: 258-259. | |
Noth M 1928 | Noth, M. Die israelitischen Personennamen im Rahmen der gemeinsemitischen Namengebung. (Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, 3rd. series, 10). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1928. | |
Noth M 1927 | Noth, M. Gemeinsemitische Erscheinungen in der israelitischen Namengebung. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft Neue Folge 6, 81, 1927 | |
Noth A 1994 | Noth, A. The Early Arabic Historical Tradition. A Source-Critical Study. Second Edition, in Collaboration with L.I. Conrad. Translated from the German by M. Bonner. (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, 3). Princeton, NJ: Darwin, 1994 (2nd. edition). | |
Noth 1927 | Noth, M. Gemeinsemitische Erscheinungen in der israelitischen Namengebung. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 81 [NS 6], 1927 | |
Northedge & Rousset | Northedge, A. & Rousset, M.-O. Örnek, étape de la “Route de la Soie”. Archéologie islamique 5, 1995: 97-122. | |
Northedge 2009 | Northedge, A.E. The Umayyad Desert Castles and Pre-Islamic Arabia. Pages 243-259 in K. Bartl & ʿA. Moaz (eds), Residences, Castles, Settlements. Transformation Processes from Late Antiquity to Early Islam in Bilad al-Sham. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Damascus, 5–9 November 2006. (Orient-Archäologie, 24). Rahden/Westf.: Leidorf, 2009. | |
Northedge 1998 | Northedge, A. Analyse du plan du palais du calife al-Muʿtaṣim à Sāmarrāʾ. Pages 149-179 in R.-P. Gayrand (ed.), Colloque international d'archéologie islamique. IFAO, 1993. Le Caire: IFAO, 1998. | |
Northedge 1996 | Northedge, A.E. [Review of Sjöström 1993 (STRI)]. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 59, 1996: 132-133. | |
Northedge 1994 | Northedge, A.E. [Review of Brend 1991 (BIsA)]. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 57, 1994: 374-375. | |
Northedge 1994 | Northedge, A. Archaeology and New Urban Settlement in Early Islamic Syria and Iraq. Pages 231-265, fig. 42-57 in G.R.D. King and A. Cameron (eds.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East. 2. Land Use and Settlement Patterns. Papers of the Second Workshop on Late Antiquity and Early Islam. (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, 01/02/2012). Princeton, NJ: Darwin, 1994. | |
Northedge 1992 | Northedge, A. Studies on Roman and Islamic ʿAmman. The Excavations of Mrs C-M Bennett and Other Investigations. 1 History, Site and Architecture. With contributions by J. Bowsher, U. Hübner, H.I. MacAdam and J. Wood. (British Academy Monographs in Archaeology, 3). London: Oxford University Press / The British Academy and the British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History, 1992. | |
Northedge 1989 | Northedge, A. The Umayyad Mosque of Amman. Pages 140-163 in M.A. Bakhit & R. Schick (eds), The Fourth International Conference on the History of Bilād al-Shām during the Umayyad Period. Proceedings of the Third Symposium 24-29 October 1987. English section. 2. Amman: University of Jordan & Yarmouk University Amman: Univ. of Jordan & Yarmouk Univ., 1989. | |
North 2014 | North, J.A. Census and Religio. Scripta Classica Israelica 33, 2014: 155-170. | |
North 1970 | North, Robert Grady Stratigraphia geobiblica: Biblical Near East archeology and geography. 351 p. :. Roma : Biblical Institute press, 3. ed., |