Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 5137 - 5160 of 14487 in total
Gibb 1932 Gibb, H.A.R. [Review of Grimme 1929 (GT)]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland @, 1932: 223-225.
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Gibson JCL 1971 Gibson, J. C. L. Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions. I: Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971.
Gibson JCL 1975 Gibson, J. C. L. Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions. II: Aramaic Inscriptions including inscriptions in the dialect of Zenjirli. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
Gibson JCL 1982 Gibson, J. C. L. Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions. III: Phoenician Inscriptions including inscriptions in the mixed dialect of Arslan Tash. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982.
Gibson JCL 1995 Gibson, J.C.L. The vav consecutive. Pages 93-100 in K. Van Lerberghe & A.Schoors (eds), Immigration and Emigration within the Ancient Near East. Festschrift E. Lipi´nski. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 65). Leuven: Peeters, 1995.
Gibson McG & Wilkinson 1995 Gibson, McG. & Wilkinson, T.J. The Dhammār Plain, Yemen: a Preliminary Study of the Archaeological Landscape. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 25, 1995: 159-183.
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Gibson S & Taylor JE 1994 Gibson, S. & Taylor, J.E. Beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: The Archaeology and Early History of Traditional Golgotha. (Palestine Exploration Fund Monograph Series Maior, 1). London: Palestine Exploration Fund, 1994.
Gichon 1969-1970 Gichon, M. Carta's atlas of Palestine from Bethther to Tel Hai: military history. Carta's atlas. 127 p. :. Jerusamem: Carta , 1969, 1970., 1969-1970.
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Gichon 1993 Gichon, M. En Boqeq. Ausgrabungen in einer Oase am Toten Meer. 1: Geographie und Geschichte der Oase. Das spätrömische-byzantinische Kastell. 1. Mainz am Rhein: Zabern, 1993.
Giesecke 1953 Giesecke, H. [Review of Fück 1950 (ʿArabīya)]. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 48, 1953: col. 258-265.
Gignoux 1987 Gignoux, Philippe Incantations magiques syriaques . Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives. 72 p.-IV pl. ;. Paris ; E. Peeters, ,
Gilbert 2002 Gilbert, A.S. The Native Fauna of the Ancient Near East. Pages 3-78 in B.J. Collins (ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East. (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section One: The Near and Middle East, 64). Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Gilbertson & Kennedy 1984 Gilbertson, D.D. & Kennedy, D.L. An Archaeological Reconnsaissance of Water Harvesting Structures and Wadi Walls in the Jordanian Desert, North of Azraq Oasis. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 28, 1984: 151-162, pl. XVII.
Gildemeister 1885 Gildemeister, J. Beiträge zur Palästinakunde aus arabischen Quellen. 5. Idrīsī. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 8, 1885: 118-145.
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Gilead & Rosenan 1954 Gilead, M. & Rosenan, N. Ten Years of Dew Observation in Israel. Israel Exploration Journal 4, 1954: 120-123.
Gilead & Rosenan 1954 Gilead, M. & Rosenan, N. Ten Years of Dew Observation in Israel. Israel Exploration Journal 4, 1954: 121-123.
Gillett 2012 Gillett, A. Communication in Late Antiquity: Use and Reuse. Pages 815-848 in S.F. Johnson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.