Reference Results

Displaying citations 5041 - 5064 of 14522 in total
Mucznik, Ovadiah, Gómez de Silva 1996 Mucznik, S., Ovadiah, A., Gómez de Silva, C. The Meroth Mosaic Reconsidered. Journal of Jewish Studies 47, 1996: 286-293.
Muchawsky-Schnapper 2015 Muchawsky-Schnapper, E. An ethnographic attempt at idenification. Tema Journal of Judeo-Yemenite Studies 13, 2015: xvi-xxx.
Muchawsky-Schnapper 2014 Muchawsky-Schnapper, E. (ed.) Scenes of Sana'a: Yihye Haybi's Photographs from Yemen, 1930-44. Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 2014.
Muchawsky-Schnapper 2012 Muchawsky-Schnapper, E. Healing through medicinal plants: Old Yemenite therapeutic traditions and their application in Jerusalem today. Pages 127-142 in I. Hehmeyer & H. Schönig (eds), Herbal Medicine in Yemen. Traditional Knowledge and Practice, and Their Value for Today's World. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2012.
Muchawsky-Schnapper 2003 Muchawsky-Schnapper, E. Children's attire in early 20th-century Ṣanʿāʾ as a socio-cultural paradigm. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 33, 2003: 343-355.
Muchawsky-Schnapper 2000 Muchawsky-Schnapper, E. The Yemenites. Two Thousand Years of Jewish Culture. Catalogue of an exhibition at the Israel Museum, Winter–Summer 2000. Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 2000.
MMGS Mu’azzin 2009 Mu’azzin, M. Safaitic inscriptions from Jabal Says in the National Museum in Damascus. Pages 301-308 in K. Bartl & ʿA. Moaz (eds), Residences, Castles, Settlements. Transformation Processes from Late Antiquity to Early Islam in Bilad al-Sham. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Damascus, 5–9 November 2006. (Orient-Archäologie, 24). Rahden/Westf.: Leidorf, 2009.
Muʿayqil 2001 Muʿayqil, Kh.I. al- Buḥūṯ fī āṯār minṭaqat al-ǧawf. Al-Jawf: Muʾasasah ʿAbd al-raḥmān al-Sudairī al-ḫairīyah, 2001.
Muʿayqil 1993 Muʿayqil, Kh.I. al- Naqšān ʿarabiyān mubakkarān min sakāka. Addarah 19/03/2012, 1993: 112-131.
Muʿayqil See also Muaikel, Muaiqil.
Muaikel 2002 Muaikel, Kh.I. al- Pre-Islamic Arabic Inscriptions from Sakākā, Saudi Arabia. Pages 157-169 in J.F. Healey & V. Porter (eds), Studies on Arabia in honour of Professor G. Rex Smith. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 14). Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 2002.
Muaikel 1994 Muaikel, Kh.I. al- Study of the Archaeology of the Jawf Region, Saudi Arabia. [‘This book being a thesis entitled: “A Critical Study of the Jawf Region of Saudi Arabia with additional material on its history and early Arabic Epigraphy.” Presented by the Author for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Durham, Nove. Al-Riyāḍ: Maktabat al-malik fahd al-waṭaniya, 1994.
Muaikel See also Muaiqil, Muaykil, Muʿayqil.
MSMB Macdonald, M.C.A. [Unpublished note by M.C.A. Macdonald on Safaitic inscriptions from Maayam Baruch on the slopes of Mount Hermon. Readings mentioned, but not quoted, in Dar S. ....].
MSA Macdonald, M.C.A. The Safaitic ABC published in MABC.
Ms Ms Inscriptions recorded in north-eastern Jordan by Alison Betts and Fidelity and William Lancaster who sent their photographs to Michael Macdonald. They are published here
Mrozek 1988 Mrozek, S. A propos de la répartition chronologique des inscriptions latines dans le Haut-Empire. Epigraphica 50, 1988: 61-64.
Mrozek 1973 Mrozek, S. À propos de la répartition chronologique des inscriptions latines dans le Haut-Empire. Epigraphica 35, 1973: 113-118.
Mrázek & Petráček 1981 Mrázek, P. & Petráček, K. Archaeological Discoveries in Western Desert — Iraq. Annals of the Náprstek Museum Prague 1981: 139-150, fig. 1-20, + map.
MRA Safaitic inscriptions from Rasm ʿAmīrī (= Mithnayat Rājil, near Jawa) some of which were published in Macdonald 1989 (MCS).
Mr.A Mr.A Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 on the right bank of the Wādī Gharz at al-Mrōshan, southern Syria, and published here.
Mowry Jathum Mowry 1953 Mowry, L. A Greek Inscription at Jathum in Transjordan. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 132, 1953: 34-41.
Mowinckel 1959 Mowinckel, S. He that cometh. XVI-528 p. ;. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1959.
Moutsopoulos 1990 Moutsopoulos, N.C. Observations sur les représentations du panthéon nabatéen. Pages 53-75 in F. Zayadine (ed.), Petra and the Caravan Cities. Proceedings of the Symposium organised at Petra in September 1985 by The Department of Antiquities of Jordan and the Iconographic Lexicon of Classical Mythology (LIMC) with the financial support of UNESCO. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1990.