Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 5281 - 5304 of 14487 in total
Gorea 2002-2007 Gorea, M. Note sur une dédicace palmyrénienne au dieu Abgal. Semitica 52-53, 2002-2007: 162-164.
Gorea 2005 Gorea, M, The First Syriac Inscriptions from the Jordanian Ḥarrah. Pages 21-34 in O. Ghul & A. Zeyadeh (eds), Proceedings of Yarmouk Second Annual Colloquium on Epigraphy and Ancient Writings 7th — 9th October, 2003. Irbid: Department of Epigraphy, Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology, Yarmouk University, 2005.
Gorgerat & Wenning 2012 Gorgerat, L. & Wenning, R. The International Aṣlaḥ Project (2010-2012): its contribution to "Early Petra". Pages 223-236 in M. Mouton & S.G. Schmid (eds), Man on the Rocks. The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin 2–4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2012.
Gorgerat & Wenning Gorgerat, L. & Wenning, R. The International Aṣlaḥ Project (2010-2012): its contribution to "Early Petra". Pages 223-236 in M. Mouton & S.G. Schmid (eds), Men on the Rocks: The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin, 2-4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2013.
Gorgerat & Wenning 2010 Gorgerat, L. & Wenning, R. The International Aṣlaḥ Project (IAP) 2010: Preliminary report on the first season. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 54, 2010: 255-269.
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Goussous 2005 Goussous, N. The Significance of Secular Words Inscribed on Pre-Reform and Post-Reform Umayyad Copper Coins. Pages 35-49 in O. Ghul & A. Zeyadeh (eds), Proceedings of Yarmouk Second Annual Colloquium on Epigraphy and Ancient Writings 7th — 9th October, 2003. Irbid: Department of Epigraphy, Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology, Yarmouk University, 2005.
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