Reference Results

Displaying citations 5281 - 5304 of 14530 in total
Miller MC 1997 Miller, M. C. Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century B.C.: A Study in Cultural Receptivity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Miller JI 1998 Miller, J.I. The Spice Trade of the Roman Empire 29 B.C. to A.D. 641. [Special edition for Sandpiper Books Ltd., 1998. Original edition O.U.P. 1969]. Oxford: Clarendon, 1998 (Special edition).
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Miller AG & Morris M 2004 Miller, A.G. & Morris, M. Ethnoflora of the Soqotra Archipelago. Designed by D. Alexander, edited by R. Atkinson. M. Pullan (Bioinformatics), R. Hyam (Bioinformatics), A.M. Kowter (logistics). Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 2004.
Miller 1980 Miller, R. Water Use in Syria and Palestine from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. World Archaeology 11: 3, 1980: 331-341.
Millard 2010 Millard, A. The Cuneiform Tablets from Tell Nebi Mend. Levant 42/2, 2010: 226-236.
Millard 2008 Millard, A.R. Books in Ancient Israel. Pages 255-264 in C. Roche (ed.), D'Ougarit à Jérusalem. Recueil d'études épigraphiques et archaeologiques offert à Pierre Bordreuil. (Orient et Méditerranée, 2). Paris: De Boccard, 2008.
Millard 2005 Millard, A.R. Only Fragments from the Past: the Role of Accident in our Knowledge of the Ancient Near East. Pages 301-319 in P. Bienkowski, C. Mee & E. Slater (eds), Writing and Ancient Near Eastern Society. Papers in Honour of Alan R. Millard. (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series, 426). New York / London: T. & T. Clark, 2005.
Millard 2003 Millard, A.R. 11. Inscribed Material Bibliography. Pages 429-439; 489-500 (bibliography) in P. Bienkowski (ed.), Busayra. Excavations by Crystal-M. Bennett 1971-1980. with contributions by M. Balla, J.R. Bartlett, A.M. Berlin, J. Gunneweg, B. MacDonald, K.J. McNamara, A. Millard, M.F. Oakeshott, D.S. Rease, C. Sease, L. Sedman & R.F. Tylecote. (British Academy Monographs in Archaeology, 13). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Millard 2003 Millard, A.R. Writing. Pages 904-910 in T.D. Alexander & D.W. Baker (eds), Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch. Leceister: InterVarsity Press, 2003.
Millard 2003 Millard, A.R. Aramaic Documents of the Assyrian and Achaemenid Periods. Pages 230-240 in M. Brosius (ed.), Ancient Archives and Archival Traditions. Concepts of Record-Keeping in the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Millard 2001 Millard, A.R. [Review of Gallagher 1999 (GSCJ)]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 11, 2001: 55-57.
Millard 2001 Millard, A.R. The Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals: Review Article [of Avigad & Sass 1997 (ACWSS)]. Israel Exploration Journal 51, 2001: 76-87.
Millard 2000 Millard, A.R. Reading and Writing in the Time of Jesus. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000.
Millard 1995 Millar, A. Strangers from Egypt and Greece — the signs for numbers in early Hebrew. Pages 189-194 in K. Van Lerberghe & A.Schoors (eds), Immigration and Emigration within the Ancient Near East. Festschrift E. Lipi´nski. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 65). Leuven: Peeters, 1995.
Millard 1995 Millard, A.R. The knowledge of writing in Iron Age Palestine. Tyndale Bulletin 46:2, 1995: 207-217.
Millard 1995 Millard, A.R. Cognates Can Be Deceptive: Some Aramaic Distinctives. Pages 145-149 in M.J. Geller, J.C. Greenfield, M.P. Weitzman (eds.), Studia Aramaica. New Sources and New Approaches. Papers Delivered at the London Conference of the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London, 26th-28th June 1991. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 4). Oxford: Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 1995.
Millard 1991 Millard, A.R. The Uses of the Early Alphabets. Pages 101-114 in C. Baurain, C. Bonnet, V. Krings (eds), Phoinikeia Grammata. Lire et écrire en Méditerranée. Actes du Colloque de Liège, 15-18 novembre 1989. (Collection d'Études Classiques, 6). Namur: Société des Études Classiques, 1991.
Millard 1990 Millard, A.R. Israelite and Aramaean History in the light of inscriptions. Tyndale Bulletin 41:2, 1990: 261-275.
Millard 1988 Millard, A.R. [Review of Avigad 1986 @ Hebrew Bullae ... Burnt Archive]. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1988, 1988: 69-71.
Millard 1985 Millard, A.R. Sennacherib's attack on Hezekiah. Tyndale Bulletin 36, 1985: 61-77.
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Millard 1982 Millard, A.R. In praise of ancient scribes. Biblical Archaeologist 45, 1982: 143-153.
Millard 1971 Millard, A.R. Baladan, the father of Merodach-Baladan. Tyndale Bulletin 22, 1971: 125-126.