Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 5305 - 5328 of 14487 in total
Graf DF 2003 Graf, D.F. Arabs in Syria : demography and epigraphy. Pages 319-340La Syrie hellénistique. (Topoi Supplément, 4). Paris: de Boccard, 2003.
Graf DF 2013 Graf, D.F. Arabs in the Aegean in the Early Hellenistic Period. Pages 197-210Sudies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XI. Amman: Department of antiquities of Jordan, 2013.
Graf DF 2000 Graf, D.F. Aramaic on the periphery of the Achaemenid realm. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 32, 2000: 75-92.
Graf 2009 Graf, D.F. Athenodorus of Tarsus and Nabataea: the Date and Circumstances of his Visit to Petra. Pages 67-74 in F. Al-Khraysheh (ed.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. X. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2009.
Graf DF 2009 Graf, D.F. Athenodorus of Tarsus and Nabataea: The Date and Circumstances of His Visit to Petra. Pages 67-74Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan X. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2009.
Graf 2019 Graf, D.F. Central Jordan Epigraphic Project. Pages 181–194 in Y.H. Elayan & A.J. Al-Shami (eds), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XIII. Amman: Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 2019.
Graf DF 1983 Graf, D.F. Dedanite and Minaean (South Arabian) Inscriptions from the Ḥisma. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 27, 1983: 555-569, pl. 121-122.
Graf DF & Dreyer 1996 Graf, D.F. & Dreyer, E.L. The Roman East from the Chinese Perspective. Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 42, 1996: 199-216.
Graf DF 1993 Graf, D.F. Early Hellenistic Travel Tales and Arabian Utopias. Graeco-Arabica 5, 1993: 111-117.
Graf DF 2001 Graf, D.F. Ebrei in Arabia. Pages 259- incomplete in A. Lewin (ed.), Gli ebrei nell'Impero Romano. Saggi vari. Traduzioni diD. Asheri, A. Lewin e R. Volponi. Firenze: Giuntina, 2001.
Graf DF 2001 Graf, D.F. First Millennium AD, Roman and Byzantine Periods: Landscape Archaeology and Settlement Patterns. Pages 469-480Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. VII. (Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 7). Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2001.
Graf DF 1998 Graf, D.F. Foederati on the Northern and Eastern Frontiers: A comparative Analysis. Pages 17-31The Roman Frontier at the Lower Danube 4th – 6th centuries. The second International Symposium (Murighiol/Halmyris, 18–24 August 1996). (Studia Danubiana. Pars Romaniae.Series Symposia, 1). Bucharest, 1998.
Graf DF 2000 Graf, D.F. Khirbet as-Samra in Arabia: Christian stelae in Melkite Aramaic and the Via Nova Traiana [Review of Humbert & Resreumaux 1998]. Journal of Roman Archaeology 13, 2000: 801-811.
Graf DF 2003 Graf, D.F. Language and Lifestyle as Boundary Markers: The North Arabian Epigraphic Evidence. Mediterranean Archaeology 16, 2003: 27-56.
Graf DF 1998 Graf, D.F. Les circulations entre Syrie, Palestine, Jordanie et Sinaï aux époques grecque et romaine. Pages 107-113 in D. Valbelle and C. Bonnet (eds), Le Sinaï durant l'antiquité et le moyen âge. 4 000 ans d'histoire pour un désert. Actes du colloque “Sinaï” qui s'est tenu à l'UNESCO du 19 au 21 septembre 1997. Paris: Errance, 1998.
Graf DF 1989 Graf, D.F. Les routes romaines d'Arabie Pétrée. Le monde de la Bible 59, 1989: 54-56.
Graf DF 1995 Graf, D.F. Milestones with Uninscribed Painted Latin Texts. Pages 417-425 in Kh. Amr, F. Zayadine, M. Zaghloul (eds.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. V. Art and Technology throughout the Ages. (Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 5). Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1995.
Graf DF 2004 Graf, D.F. Nabataean Identity and ethnicity: The Epigraphic Perspective. Pages 145-154Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. VIII. Amman: Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 2004.
Graf DF 2014 Graf, D.F. Nabataean Inscriptions from Wādī Museimīr in the Southeast Wādī ʿAraba. Pages 349-356 in S.T. Parker & A.M. Smith II (eds), The Roman Aqaba Project Final Report. Volume 1 — The Regional Environment and the Regional Survey. Boston, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2014.
Graf DF 1992 Graf, D.F. Nabataean Settlements and Roman Occupation in Arabia Petraea. Pages 253-260 in A. Hadidi (ed.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. IV. In conjunction with the Maison de l'Orient Méditerranéen, Université Lumière, Lyon. (Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 4). Amman: Department of Antiquities/Lyon: Maison de l'Orient, 1992.
Graf DF 2002 Graf, D.F. Nomads and the Arabian frontier: the epigraphic perspective. Pages 153-160 in P. Freeman, J. Bennett, Z.T. Fiema, & B. Hoffmann (eds), Limes XVIII. Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000). A conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Liverpool. 1. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 1084). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2002.
Graf DF & O'Connor 1977 Graf, D.F. & O'Connor, M. The Origin of the Term Saracen and the Rawāfā Inscriptions. Byzantine Studies. Études byzantines 4, 1977: 52-66.
Graf 2012 Graf, D.F. Petra and the Nabataeans in the Early Hellenistic period: the literary and archaeological evidence. Pages 35-56 in M. Mouton & S.G. Schmid (eds), Man on the Rocks. The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin 2–4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2012.
Graf 2013 Graf, D.F. Petra and the Nabataeans in the Early Hellenistic period: the literary and archaeological evidence. Pages 35-56 in M. Mouton & S.G. Schmid (eds), Men on the Rocks: The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin, 2-4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2013.