Reference Results
Displaying citations 5305 - 5328 of 14530 in total
Millard 1970 | Millard, A.R. “Scriptio Continua” in Early Hebrew: Ancient Practice or Modern Surmise?. Journal of Semitic Studies 15, 1970 | |
Millard 1969 | Millard, A.R. [Review of Avi-Yonah 1966 @The Holy Land]. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1969 @, 1969: 123. | |
Millard 1963 | Millard, A.R. [Review of Woolley 1962 (Ur Excavations IX)]. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 95, 1963: 134-137. | |
Millard 1962 | Millard, A.R. Recently Discovered Hebrew Inscriptions. Tyndale Bulletin 11, 1962: 4-10. | |
Millard 1962 | Millard, A.R. Ezekiel XXVII.19: The Wine Trade of Damascus. Journal of Semitic Studies 7, 1962: 201-203. | |
Millard 1962 | Millard, A.R. Alphabetic Inscriptions on Ivories from Nimrud. Iraq 24, 1962: 41-51, pl. 23-24. | |
Millard 1961 | Millard, A.R. A Seal from Petra. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 93, 1961: 136, pl. 18. | |
Millar 2014 | Millar, F. Jerusalem and the Near Eastern Diaspora in the Early Imperial Period. Scripta Classica Israelica 33, 2014: 139-154. | |
Millar 2013 | Millar, F. Religion, Language and Community in the Roman Near East: Constantine to Muhammad. (Schweich Lectures, 2010). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. | |
Millar 2012 | Millar, F. The Roman Near East from Constantine to Mahomet: Report on a Research Project. Pages 125-138 in S. Benoist (ed.), Rome, a City and Its Empire in Perspective: The Impact of the Roman World Through Fergus Millar's Research. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2012. | |
Millar 2011 | Millar, F. Greek and Syriac in Edessa: from Ephrem to Rabbula (CE 363-435). Semitica et Classica 4, 2011: 99-113. | |
Millar 2011 | Millar, F. Greek and Syriac in Edessa: from Ephrem to Rabbula (CE 363-435). Semitica et Classica 4, 2011: 99-113. | |
Millar 2011 | Millar, F. Greek and Syriac in Edessa and Osrhoene, CE 213-363. Scripta Classica Israelica 30, 2011: 93-111. | |
Millar 2010 | Millar, F.G.B. Jerome and Palestine. Scripta Classica Israelica 29, 2010: 59-79. | |
Millar 2010 | Millar, F. Rome's 'Arab' Allies in Late Antiquity. Conceptions and Representations from within the Frontiers of the Empire. Pages 199-226 in H. Börm & J. Wiesehöfer, Commutatio et contentio. Studies in the Late Roman, Sasanian, and Early Islamic Near East. In Memory of Zeev Rubin. Düsseldorf: Wellem, 2010. | |
Millar 2010 | Millar, F.G.B. Bishops and their sees at the sixth session of the Council of Chalkedon: the Near Eastern Provinces. Pages 568-578 in R.W.V. Catling & F. Marchand (eds), Onomatologos. Stduies in Greek Personal Names presented to Elaine Matthews. Oxford: Oxbow, 2010. | |
Millar 2010 | Millar, F.G.B. Rome's ‘Arab’ Allies in Late Antiquity: Conceptions and Representations from within the Frontiers of the Empire. Pages 159-186 in H. Börm & J.Wiesehöfer (eds), Commutatio et Contentio. Studies in the Late Roman, Sasanian, and Early Islamic Near East. In Memort of Zeev Rubin. Düsseldorf: Wellem, 2010. | |
Millar 2009 | Millar, F.G.B. Linguistic Co-existence in Constantinople: Greek and Latin (and Syriac) in the Acts of the Synod of 536 C.E.. Journal of Roman Studies 99, 2009: 92-103. | |
Millar 2009 | Millar, F.G.B. Christian Monasticism in Roman Arabia at the Birth of Mahomet. Semitica et Classica 2, 2009: 97-115. | |
Millar 2009 | Millar, F.G.B. Introduction: documentary evidence, social realities and the history of language. in H.M. Cotton, R.G. Hoyland, J.J. Price, & D.J. Wasserstein (eds), From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. | |
Millar 2008 | Millar, F.G.B. The Many Worlds of the Late Antique Diaspora: Supplements to the ‘Cambridge History of Judaism’ vol. IV [A Review Article]. Journal of Jewish Studies 59, 2008: 120-138. | |
Millar 2008 | Millar, F.G.B. A quarter century of Byzantine epigraphy: and where next?. Antiquité Tardive 16, 2008: 349-356. | |
Millar 2008 | Millar, F.G.B. Community, Religion and Language in the Middle-Euphrates Zone in Late Antiquity. Scripta Classica Israelica 27, 2008: 67-93. | |
Millar 2008 | Millar, F.G.B. Rome, Constantinople and the Near Eastern Church under Justinian: Two Synods of C.E. 536. Journal of Roman Studies 98, 2008: 62-82. |