Reference Results
Displaying citations 5761 - 5784 of 14522 in total
Madox 1834 | Madox, J. Excursions in the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia, Syria, &c. Including a visit to the Unfrequented District of the Houran. (2 volumes). London: Bentley, 1834. | |
Madelung 2001 | Madelung, W. [Review of Hawting 1999 (HIIEI)]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 11, 2001: 271-272. | |
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Madelung 1999 | Madelung, W. [Review of Bashear 1997 (BAOEI)]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3rd Series, 9, 1999: 150-152. | |
Madelung 1997 | Madelung, W. The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. | |
Madelung 1991 | Madelung, W.F. The Origins of the Yemenite Hijra. Pages 23-44 in A. Jones (ed.), Arabicus Felix: Luminosus Britannicus. Essays in Honour of A.F.L. Beeston on his Eightieth Birthday. (Oxford Oriental Institute Monographs, 11). Reading: Ithaca, 1991. | |
Madelung 1973 | Madelung, W. [Review of Harding 1971 (Hln)]. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 32, 1973: 278. | |
Ma De 1999 | Ma De New results of the research into the vehicles on the mural paintings of the Dunhuang caves. Circle of Inner Asian Art (SOAS). Bulletin 9, 1999 | |
Madden 2012 | Madden A.M. A New Form of Evidence to Date the Madaba Map Mosaic. Liber Annuus 62, 2012: 495-513. | |
Mad'aj 1993 | Mad'aj, A. al- The Founding of the Great Mosque (al-Jāmiʿ al-Kabīr) in Ṣanʿāʾ. New Arabian Studies 1, 1993: 175-188. | |
Macuch 1996 | Macuch, R. Inverse Schreibungen des Reichsaramäischen im Lichte später aramäischer Orthographien und Aussprachen. Pages 359-369 in P. Zemánek (ed.), Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures. Memorial Volume of Karel Petráček. Prague: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Oriental Institute, 1996. | |
Macro 1994 | Macro, E. Arabia and Austria in the 18th and 19th Centuries. New Arabian Studies 2, 1994: 58-67. | |
Macro 1993 | Macro, E. The Austrian Imperial Academy's Expeditions to South Arabia 1897-1900. C. de Landberg, D.H. Müller and G.W. Bury. New Arabian Studies 1, 1993: 54-82. | |
Macro 1987 | Macro, E. Arabia before Photography. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 17, 1987: 117-126. | |
Macro 1958 | Macro, E. Bibliography of the Arabian Peninsula. Miami, FL: Coral Gables, 1958. | |
Macqueen 1975 | Macqueen, J. G. The Hittites: and their contemporaries in Asia Minor. Ancient Peoples and Places ; 83. 206 p. :. London : Thames and Hudson, , | |
Macnamara 2005 | Macnamara, K. Secrets of an ancient warrior race are uncovered. The Times May 27th 2005, 2005: 46. | |
MacMullen 1982 | MacMullen, R. The Epigraphic Habit in the Roman Empire. American Journal of Philology 103, 1982: 233-246. | |
MacMichael 1819 | MacMichael, W. A Journey from Moscow to Constantinople in the Years 1817, 1818. London: Murray, 1819. | |
MacLoughlin 1991 | MacLoughlin, L. Abdullah Philby's Crossing of the Empty Quarter. Asian Affairs 22, 1991: 142-151. | |
Maclean R & Insoll 2011 | Maclean, R. & Insoll, T. An Archaeological Guide to Bahrain. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2011. | |
MacLean & Insoll 2011 | MacLean, R. & Insoll, T. An Archaeological Guide to Bahrain. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2011. | |
Maclean 1972 | Maclean, A.J. Dictionary of the dialects of vernacular Syriac. xxii-334 p. ;. Amsterdam: Philo Press, 1972. | |
Mackintosh-Smith 2001 | Mackintosh-Smith, T. Travels with a Tangerine. A Journey in the Footnotes of Ibn Battutah. London: Murray, 2001. |