Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 5785 - 5808 of 14487 in total
HSIL Harding 1971 Harding, G.L. Safaitic Inscriptions from Lebanon. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 16, 1971: 83-85, pl. 1-2.
SIT Harding 1972 Harding, G.L. Safaitic Inscriptions from Tapline in Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 17, 1972: 5-14 and 2 unnumbered plates.
HSIM Harding 1950 Harding, G.L. Safaitic Inscriptions in the Iraq Museum. Sumer 6, 1950: 124-129.
HCH Harding 1953 Harding, G.L. The Cairn of Haniʾ. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 2, 1953: 8-56, pls 1-7.
Harding 1978 Harding, G.L. The Cairn of Saʿd. Pages 242-249, pl. 39-40 in P.R.S. Moorey & P.J. Parr (eds), Archaeology in the Levant: Essays for Kathleen Kenyon. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1978.
HST Harding 1969 Harding, G.L. The Safaitic Tribes. Al-Abhath 22, 1969: 3-25.
HE Harding 1971 Harding, G.L. The Thamudic and Liḥyanite Texts (p. 36-52, 60-61, pl. 19-25) in P.J. Parr, G.L. Harding, J.E. Dayton, Preliminary Survey in N.W. Arabia, 1968. Part II: Epigraphy. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London 10, 1971: 36-61, pl. 19-31.
HDic Harding, G.L. [Unpublished North Arabian Dictionary compiled by G.L. Harding].
H Harding, G.L. [Unpublished notes on inscriptions by G.L. Harding].
Hardy-Guilbert & Le Maguer 2010 Hardy-Guilbert, C. & Le Maguer, S. Chihr de l'encens (Yémen). Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 21, 2010: 46-70.
Hardy-Guilbert & Rougeulle 1997 Hardy-Guilbert, C. & Rougeulle, A. Al-Shihr and the southern coast of the Yemen: preliminary notes on the French archaeological expedition, 1995. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 27, 1997: 129-140.
Hardy-Guilbert & Rougeulle 1997 Hardy-Guilbert, C. & Rougeulle, A. Al-Shihr and the southern coast of Yemen: preliminary notes on the French archaeological expedition, 1995. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 27, 1997: 129-140.
Hardy-Guilbert 1998 Hardy-Guilbert, C. Villages côtiers abandonnés du Qatar. Pages 88-104 in C.S. Phillips, D.T. Potts, S. Searight (eds), Arabia and its Neighbours. Essays on prehistorical and historical developments presented in honour of Beatrice de Cardi. (Abiel. New Research on the Arabian Peninsula, 2). Turnhout: Brepols, 1998.
Hardy 1963 Hardy, M.J.L. Blood Feuds and the Payment of Blood Money in the Middle East. Beirut: Catholic Press, 1963.
Hare 2003 Hare, J. Shadows across the Sahara. Travels with camels from Lake Chad to Tripoli. London: Constable, 2003.
Hare 1999 Hare, J. The Lost Camels of Tartary. A Quest Into Forbidden China. London: Abacus, 1999 [1st. ed. 1998].
Harfouche 1923 Harfouche, J. Le drogman arabe. Guide pratique de l'Arabe parlé pour la Syrie, la Palestine et l'Egypte. Quatrième Édition revue et augmentée par le P.E. Ley. Beyrouth: Imprimerie Catholique, 1923.
Harfush 1996 Harfush, A.F. Qabīlat Ḫuzāʿa fī l-ǧāhiliyya wa-l-islām. Nasab, aʿlām, šiʿr, adab. (Silsilat qabāʾil al-ʿarab, 2). Dimašq: Dār al-Bašāʾir, 1996.
Harfush 1995 Harfush, A.F. Qabīlat Ṭayʾ fī l-ǧāhiliyya wa-l-islām. Nasab, aʿlām, šiʿr, adab. (Silsilat qabāʾil al-ʿarab, [1]). Dimašq: Dār al-Bašāʾir, 1995.
Harithi 2005 Harithi, N.A. al- Aḥǧār šāhidiyyah min matḥaf al-āṯār wa-ʾl-turāṯ bi-makkat al-mukarramah. Qirāʾah wa-našr. Al-riyāḍ: Wakālat al-āṯār wa-ʾl-matāḥif, 2005.
Harithi 1991 Harithi, S.A Ǧayš al-yaman qabl al-islām. Ṣanʿāʾ:, 1991.
Harmatta 1974 Harmatta, J. The struggle for the possession of South Arabia between Aksūm and the Sāsānians. Pages 95-106IV Congresso Internazionale di Studi Etiopici : (Roma, 10–15 aprile 1972). . Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura. Tomo 1 (Sezione storica). (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Quaderno, 191). Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1974.
Harmond 2002 Harmond, I. G. Soqotra: A Master Plan. The British-Yemeni Society Journal 10, 2002: 16-23.
Harper GM 1928 Harper, G.M. Village Administration in the Roman Province of Syria. Yale Classical Studies 1, 1928: 105-168.