Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 5905 - 5928 of 14487 in total
Hayajneh 2006 Hayajneh, H. The Nabataean Camel Burial Inscription from Wādī Ram / Jordan (Based on a Drawing from the Archive of Professor John Strugnell). Die Welt des Orients 36, 2006: 104-115 [and see: Addendum to ‘The Nabataean Camel Burial Inscription from Wādī Ram’ in WdO 36 (2006). Die Welt des Orients 42 (2012): 186].
Hayajneh 2011 Hayajneh, H. The usage of Ancient South Arabian and other Arabian languages as an etymological source for Qurʾānic vocabulary. Pages 117-146 in G.S. Reynolds (ed.), New Perspectives on the Qurʾān. The Qurʾān in its historical context 2. (Routledge Studies on the Qurʾān). London & New York: Routledge, 2011.
Hayajneh n.d. Hayajneh, H. The Usage of Ancient South Arabian and other Arabian languages as an Etymological Source for Qurʾānic Vocabulary. [Unpublished draft]. n.d..
W.Bayir-YU Hayajneh 2021 Hayajneh, H. Two epigraphic miscellanies from Wādī Bāyir — Southeast Jordan and the occurrence of the word hfrk in Ancient North Arabian. Pages 187–196 in C Bührig, M. van Ess, I. Gerlach, A. Hausleiter & B. Müller-Neuhof (eds), Klänge der Archäologie. Festschrift für Ricardo Eichmann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2021
Hayajneh 2013 Hayajneh, H. Weitere beschriftete altsüdarabische Stelen aus dem Nachlass Maḥmūd al-Ghūl. Semitica et Classica 6, 2013: 195-200.
Hayajneh 2002 Hayajneh, H. Zwei beschriftete Stelen aus dem Museum der Yarmouk-Universität. Die Welt des Orients 32, 2002:102–109.
Ḥaydar 1995 Ḥaydar, K. Manhaǧ al-baḥṯ al-ʾaṯariyy wa-ʾl-tārīḫiyy. Beirut: Dār Al-Fikr Al-Lubnāniyy, 1995.
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Hayes JL 1996 Hayes, J.L. [Review of Theeb 1995 (Dirāsa taḥlīlīya li nuqūš nabaṭīya qadīma)]. Al-ʿUsur al-Wusta 8, 1996: 23.
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Hayes J 1994 Hayes, J. Traces of Barth's Law in Epigraphic South Arabic. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 144, 1994: 250-258.
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Hazeem 1994 Hazeem, R. Al-alqāb wa-ʾl-rutab al-siyāsiyyah wa-ʾl-ʿaskariyyah fī l-kitābāt al-nabaṭiyyah. Maǧallat abḥāṯ al-yarmūk "Silsilat al-ʾādāb wa-l-luġawwiyyāt" 12:2, 1994: 57-87.
Hazim 1991 Hazim, R. Beitrag zur Onomastik der safaitischen Inschriften. Le Muséon 104, 1991: 355-357.
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Hazim 1994 Hazim, R. Ein Typus altsüdarabischer theophorer Namen. Pages 95-101 in N. Nebes (ed.), Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit von R. Richter, I. Kottsieper und M. Maraqten. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.
Head 1880 Head, B.V. On a Himyaritic tetradrachm and the Trésor de San‘â. The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society 20 [N.S.], 1880: 303-310, pl. XV.
Healey 2004 Healey, J.F. A Nabataean papyrus fragment (Bodleian MS Heb. d. 89). Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 146, 2004: 183-188.
Healey 1989 Healey, J.F. A Nabataean Sundial from Madāʾin Ṣāliḥ. Syria 66, 1989: 331-336.
Healey 2006 Healey, J.F. A new Syriac mosaic inscription. Journal of Semitic Studies 51, 2006: 313-327.
Healey 2009 Healey, J.F. Aramaic Inscriptions and Documents of the Roman Period. Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, Volume IV. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Healey 2012 Healey, J.F. Between Rome and Arabia: the Aramaic Interface. Pages 37-41 in A. Al-Helabi, D.G. Letsios, M. Al-Moraekhi, & A. Al-Abduljabbar (eds), Arabia, Greece and Byzantium. Cultural Contacts in Ancient and Medieval Times. 2. Riyadh: King Saud University, 2012.
Healey & Bin Seray1999–2000 Healey, J.F. & Bin Seray, H. Aramaic in the Gulf: Towards a Corpus. ARAM 11-12, 1999-2000: 1-14.
Healey 2014 Healey, J.F. Chapter 9. The Nabataean Inscriptions. Pages 47-56 in J.A. Greene (ed.), The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet Et-Tannur. 2. (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 68). Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2014.