Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 5929 - 5952 of 14487 in total
Healey 1995 Healey, J.F. Death in West Semitic Texts: Ugarit and Nabataea. Pages 188-191 in S. Campbell and A. Green (eds), The Archaeology of Death in the Ancient Near East. (Oxbow Monographs, 51). Oxford: Oxbow, 1995.
Healey 1997 Healey, J.F. Dusara as Sun-god. Pages 37-53I primi sessanta anni di scuola. Studi dedicati dagli amici a sergio Noja Noseda nel suo 65° compeanno 7 Luglio 1996. [Reprinted as XXI in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. Lesa: , 1997.
Healey 2007 Healey, J.F. From Ṣapānu/Ṣapunu to Kasion: the sacred history of a mountain. Pages 141-151 in W.G.E. Watson (ed.), ‘He unfurrowed his brow and laughed’: Essays in Honour of Professor Nicholas Wyatt. (Alter Orient und Altes Testament, 299). [Reprinted as XXIII in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2007.
Healey 1989 Healey, J.F. Introduction, Readings and Aramaic Aspects. Première partie (p. 77-80) in: J.F. Healey et G.R. Smith, Jaussen-Savignac 17-The Earliest Dated Arabic Document (A.D. 267). Atlal 12, 1989: 77-84.
Healey 2011 Healey, J.F. Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies, CS966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.
Healey 1995 Healey, J. F. Lexical loans in early Syriac: A comparison with Nabataean Aramaic. Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul vicino oriente antico 12, 1995: 76-84.
Healey 1990 Healey, J.F. Madaʾin Salih: Epigraphic Notes. Atlal 13, 1990: 49-53, pl. 34-37.
Healey 1996 Healey, J.F. ‘May he be remembered for good’: an Aramaic formula. Pages 177-186 in K.J. Cathcart & M. Maher (eds), Targumic and Cognate Studies. Essays in Honour of Martin McNamara. (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series, 230). [Reprinted as XX in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996.
Healey 2007 Healey, J.F. Nabataean Inscriptions: Language and Script. Pages 45-53 in K.D. Politis (ed.), The World of the Nabataeans. Volume 2 of the International Conference The World of the Herods and the Nabataeans held at the British Museum, 17–19 April 2001. (Oriens et Occidens. Studien zu antiken Kulturkontakten und ihrem Nachleben, 15). [Reprinted as I in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. Stuttgart: Steiner, 2007.
Healey 1990-1991 Healey, J.F. Nabataean to Arabic: Calligraphy and script development among the pre-Islamic Arabs. Manuscripts of the Middle East 5, 1990-1991: 41-52.
Healey 2002 Healey, J.F. Nabataeao-Arabic: Jaussen-Savignac nab. 17 and 18. Pages 81-90 in J.F. Healey & V. Porter (eds), Studies on Arabia in Honour of Professor G. Rex Smith. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 14). [Reprinted as VIII in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. Oxford: Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 2002.
Healey 2005 Healey, J.F. New evidence for the Aramaic legal tradition: from Elephantine to Edessa. Pages 115-127 in P.S. Alexander et al. (eds), Studia Semitica: the Journal of Semitic Studies Jubilee Volume. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 16). [Reprinted as XVIII in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. Oxford: Oxford Universioty Press, 2005.
Healey & Porter V 2002 Healey, J.F. & Porter, V. (eds) Studies on Arabia in honour of Professor G. Rex Smith. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 14). Oxford: Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 2002.
Healey 1993 Healey, J.F. Report on Epigraphic Work at Madāʾin Ṣāliḥ. New Arabian Studies 1, 1993: 228-230.
Healey 2014 Healey, J.F. Review: Hemmer Gudme, A.K. de, Before the God in this Place for Good Remembrance: A Comparative Analysis of the Aramaic Votive Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 441) Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013.. Reviews of the Enoch Seminar 2014.08.11, 2014
Healey 1999 Healey, J.F. [Review of Dijkstra 1995 (DLL)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 44, 1999: 315-316.
Healey 1999 Healey, J.F. [Review of Drijvers 1994 (DHRLA)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 44, 1999: 318-319.
Healey 1995 Healey, J.F. [Review of Horbury and Noy 1992 (HJIGE)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 40, 1995: 139.
Healey 1995 Healey, J.F. [Review of Kaye 1991 (KSSL)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 40, 1995: 83-84.
Healey 1999 Healey, J.F. [Review of Lozachmeur (ed.) 1995 (LPAC)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 44, 1999: 319-320.
Healey 1995 Healey, J.F. [Review of Stone ME 1992-1994 (SRIG)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 40, 1995: 138-139.
Healey 2001 Healey, J.F. ‘Romans always conquer’: Some evidence of ethnic identity on Rome's eastern frontier. in N.J. Higham (ed.), Archaeology of the Roman Empire. A Tribute to Professor Barri Jones. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 940). [Reprinted, rest, and repaginated as XVII in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2001.
Healey 2004 Healey, J.F. ‘Sicherheit des Auges’: The Contribution to Semitic Epigraphy of the Explorer Julius Euting (1839–1913). Pages 313-330 in C. McCarthy & J.F. Healey (eds), Biblical and Near Eastern Essays. Studies in Honour of Kevin J. Cathcart. (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series, 375). [Reprinted as X in J.F. Healey, Law and Religion between Petra and Edessa. Studies in Aramaic Epigraphy on the Roman Frontier. (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 966). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.]. London: T & T Clark International, 2004.
Healey & Smith GR 1989 Healey, J.F. & Smith, G.R. Jaussen-Savignac 17 — the Earliest Dated Arabic Document (A.D. 267). Atlal 12, 1989: 77-84, pl. 46.