Reference Results
Displaying citations 6025 - 6048 of 14522 in total
Loreto 2012 | Loreto, R. The Saudi-Italian-French Archaeological Mission at Dūmat al-Jandal (ancient Adumatu). A first relative chronological sequence for Dūmat al-Jandal. Architecture and pottery. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 42, 2012: 165-182. | |
Loreto 2011 | Loreto, R. South Arabian inscriptions from the domestic buildings from Tamnaʿ and the archaeological evidence. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 22, 2011: 59-96. | |
Loreto 2009 | Loreto, R. Hoyse and household: a contextual approach to the study of South Arabian domestic architecture. A case study from seventh- to sixth-century BC Yalā / ad-Durayb. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 39, 2009: 255-270. | |
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Long 1996 | Long, J. Two Sides of a Coin: Aurelian, Vaballathus, and Eastern Frontiers in the Early 270s. Pages 59-71 in R.W. Mathisen and H.S. Sivan (eds), Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity. papers from the First Interdisciplinary Conference on Late Antiquity, the University of Kansas, March 1995. Aldershot: Variorum, 1996. | |
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Lombard 1993 | Lombard, P. [Review of Potts 1990 (Araby the Blest)]. Syria 70, 1993: 586-588. | |
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Loftus 1857 | Loftus, W.K. Travels and Researches in Chaldaea and Susiana; with an Account of Excavations at Warka, the "Erech" of Nimrod, and Shúsh, "Shushan the Palace" of Esther, in 1849-1852, under the orders of Major-General Sir W.F. Williams of Kars, Bart., K.C.B., M.P., and. London: Nisbet, 1857. | |
Loewenstamm 1962 | Loewenstamm, S.E. The Ugaritic Fertility Myth — the Result of a Mistranslation. Israel Exploration Journal 12, 1962: 87-88. | |
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Lloyd 1963 | Lloyd, Seton Mounds of the Near East. 119 p.-[16] pl. ;. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University press, , |