Reference Results

Displaying citations 6049 - 6072 of 14522 in total
LivT.Tay [Taymanitic inscriptions published in Livingstone et al. 1983 (LivT)].
LivT.Nab [Nabataean inscriptions published in Livingstone et al. 1983 (LivT)].
Liv.TAram [Aramaic inscriptions published in Livingstone et al. 1983 ( LivT)].
Liv Tay Livingstone, Spaie, Ibrahim, Kamal, Taimani 1983 Livingstone, A., Spaie, B., Ibrahim, M., Kamal, M., Taimani, S. Taimāʾ: Recent Soundings and New Inscribed Material (1402 AH — 1982 AD). Atlal 7, 1983: 102-116, pl. 83-97.
Livingstone, Khan, Al-Zahrānī, Salluk, Shaman 1985 Livingstone, A., Khan, M., Al-Zahrānī, A., Salluk, M., Shaman, S. Epigraphic Survey, 1404 -1984. Atlal 9, 1985: 128-144, pl.118-135.
Livingstone 2007 Livingstone, A. Ashurbanipal: Literate or not?. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie 97, 2007: 98-118.
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Livingstone 1997 Livingstone, A. An Early Attestation of the Arabic Definite Article. Journal of Semitic Studies 42, 1997: 259-261.
Livingstone 1996 Livingstone, A. [Review of Cohen ME 1993 (CCC)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 41, 1996: 303-306.
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Livingstone 1994 Livingstone, A. [Review of Parpola 1987 (The Correspondance of Sargon II)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 39, 1994: 97-100.
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Livingstone 1984 Livingstone, A. A Linguistic, Tribal and Onomastical Study of the Hasaean Inscriptions. p. 86-108, pl. 85-90 in M.S. Gazdar, D.T. Potts, A. Livingstone, Excavations at Thaj. Atlal 8, 1984: 55-108, pl. 60-90.
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Livingstone 1982 Livingstone, A. Two New Inscriptions in Epigraphic South Arabian. Atlal 6, 1982: 139-141.
LivES.N [Nabataean inscriptions published in Livingstone 1985 (LivES)].
LivES.G Livingstone, A. Greek inscription published in LivES.
LivES.A [Arabic inscriptions reported in Livingstone 1985 (LivES)].
Liverani n.d. Liverani, M. Arid Lands in Roman Times. Introduction to the Conference. [Unpublished typescript]. n.d..
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