Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 7033 - 7056 of 14487 in total
Jeppesen 1960 Jeppesen, K. A Royal Message to Ikaros. The Hellenistic Temples of Failaka. Kuml 1960: 153-198.
Jerome 1845 Jerome / ed. Migne, J-P. Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Prima, in qua prodeunt patres, doctores scriptoresque ecclesiae latinae a Tertulliano ad Gregorium Magnum. Patrologiae Tomus XXIII. S. Hieronymi Tomi Secundus et Tertius. Parisiis: Migne, 1845.
Jerome 1846 Jerome / ed. Migne, J-P. Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Prima, in qua prodeunt patres, doctores scriptoresque ecclesiae latinae a Tertulliano ad Gregorium Magnum. Patrologiae Tomus XXVIII. S. Hieronymi Tomus Nonus. Parisiis: Migne, 1846.
Jérôme 2010 Jérôme, N. L'Évolution des rapports politique entre Gréco-Romains et Arabes, de la conquête d'Alexandre à la provincialisation de l'Areabie (333 av. J.C.–106 ap. J.C).. Master thesis (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia). Master thesis (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia). 2010.
Jeruzalmi 1963 Jeruzalmi, I. Les Coupes magiques araméennes de Mésopotamie . VI-176 p. ;. Paris, ,
Jibour Jibour See also Al-Jubūr, Jbour, Jbur, Jabour, Jibour, Jubour, Juboor.
Ji 1998 Ji, C.C. A new look at the Tobiads in ʿIraq al-Amir. Liber Annuus 48, 1998: 417-440, pls 19-20.
Ji 2009 Ji, C.-H.C. Drawing the Borderline: The Nabataean, Hasmonean and Herodian Kingdoms in Central Jordan. Pages 617-632 in F. Al-Khraysheh (ed.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. X. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 2009.
Jirku 1967 Jirku, Anton Die ägyptischen Listen palästinensischer und syrischer Ortsnamen: im Unschrift und mit historisch-archäologischem Kommentar. Klio ; 38. v-61 p. ;. Aalen : Scientia Verlag, ,
Jirku 1963 Jirku, Anton Geschichte Palästina-Syriens im orientalischen Altertum. 206 p. ;. Aalen : Scientia, ,
Jobling 1983-1984 Jobling, W.J. ʿAqaba-Maʿān Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1980-1982. Archiv für Orientforschung 29-30, 1983-1984: 264-270.
Jobling 1982 Jobling, W.J. Aqaba-Maʿan Survey, Jan.-Feb. 1981. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 26, 1982: 199-209, 479-481, pl. 56-58.
Jobling 1984-1986 Jobling, W.J. Desert Deities: Some New Epigraphic Evidence for the Deities Dushares and al-Lat from the Aqaba-Maʿan Area of Southern Jordan. Religious Traditions 7-9, 1984-1986: 25-40.
Jobling 1990 Jobling, W.J. Hellenism in North Arabia: A New Epigraphic Focus. Pages 551-557, pl. 49 in J.-P. Descoeudres (ed.), Greek Colonists and Native Populations. Proceedings of the First Australian Congress of Classical Archaeology held in honour of Emeritus Professor A.D. Trendall, Sydney 9-14 July 1985. Canberra: Humanities Research Centre / Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.
Jobling & Morgan 1983 Jobling, W.J. & Morgan, R.V.H. The Fourth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1982-1983 in Ricerca in Giordania. Liber Annuus 33, 1983: 396-401, pl. 67-69.
Jobing 1995 Jobling, W.J. Nabataean-Aramaic: A Provisional Lexicon (Nablex). Kensington, MD: Dunwoody, 1995.
Jobling 1986 Jobling, W.J. North Arabian (-Thamudic) Inscriptions and Rock Art from the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Area of Southern Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 30, 1986: 261-283, pl. 48-55.
Jobling 1988 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report of the Eighth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Epigraphic and Archaeological Survey. Amman: Archives of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 1988. [Unpublished]
Jobling 1983 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report of the Fourth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Archaeological and Epigraphic Survey 1982-1983. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 27, 1983: 197-208.
Jobling 1985 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report of the Sixth Season of the ʿAqaba-Maʿan Epigraphic and Archaeological Survey. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 29, 1985: 211-220.
Jobling 1981 Jobling, W.J. Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Survey Between Maʿan and ʿAqaba. January to February 1980. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 25, 1981: 105-112, pl. 26-32.
Jobling 1988 Jobling, W.J. Prospection archéologique et épigraphique dans la région d'ʿAqaba-Maʿan, 1986. Syria 65, 1988: 427–434.
Jobling 1983 Jobling, W.J. Prospection archéologique et épigraphique dans la région d'Aqaba-Maʿan. Syria 60, 1983: 317-323.
Jobling 1983 Jobling, W.J. Recent Exploration and Survey in Southern Jordan: Rock Art, Inscriptions and History. Berytus 31, 1983: 27-40.