Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 7105 - 7128 of 14487 in total
Johnstone TM 1984 Johnstone, T.M. New sibilant phonemes in the Modern South Arabian languages of Dhofar. Pages 389-390 in J. Bynon (ed.), Current Progress in Afro-Asiatic linguistics: Papers of the Third International Hamito-Semitic Congress. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science IV. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1984.
Johnstone TM 1975 Johnstone, T.M. Oath-taking and vows in Oman. Arabian Studies 2, 1975
Johnstone TM 1961 Johnstone, T.M. Some characteristics of the Dōsiri dialect of Arabic as spoken in Kuwait. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 24, 1961: 249-297.
Johnstone TM 1963 Johnstone, T.M. The Affrication of "Kaf" and "Gaf" in the Arabic Dialects of the Arabian Peninsula. Journal of Semitic Studies 8, 1963: 210-226.
Johnstone TM 1975 Johnstone, T.M. The Modern South Arabian Languages. Afroasiatic Linguistics 01/05/2012, 1975
Johnstone TM 1968 Johnstone, T.M. The verbal Affix -k in Spoken Arabic. Journal of Semitic Studies 13, 1968: 249-252.
Jolivet-Lévy 1998 Jolivet-Lévy, C. La collection d'icônes de Sainte-Catherine. Pages 165-170 in D. Valbelle and C. Bonnet (eds), Le Sinaï durant l'antiquité et le moyen âge. 4 000 ans d'histoire pour un désert. Actes du colloque “Sinaï” qui s'est tenu à l'UNESCO du 19 au 21 septembre 1997. Paris: Errance, 1998.
Jomard 1822 Jomard, E.F. (ed.) Description de l'Égypte, ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée Française, publié par ordre du gouvernement. (10 volumes). [Reprinted in one volume with a preface by S.A. Aufrère, Bibliothèque de l'Image, 1996]. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1822.
Jomard n.d. Jomard, E.F. Mémoire sur les inscriptions anciennes recueillis en Égypte. [16 pages, bound with other works on the antiquities of Egypt by Jomard and others. Probably c. 1813-1818 (?). Publication details uncertain and not clear from Bodley's catalogue]. n.d..
Jomier 1957 Jomier, J. Le nom divin "al-Raḥmān" dans le Coran. Pages 361-381Mélanges Louis Massignon. 2. Damas: Institut Français de Damas, 1957.
Jomier 1954 Jomier, J. Les graffiti "sinaïtiques" du Wadi Abou Daradj. Revue biblique 61, 1954: 419-424.
Jones A. 2005 Jones, A. Arabic through the Qurʾān. Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 2005.
Jones A 1996 Jones, A. Early Arabic Poetry volume two: Select Odes. Edition, translation and Commentary. (Oxford Oriental Institute Monographs, 15). Reading: Ithaca for the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford University, 1996.
Jones A 1991 Jones, A. (ed.) Arabicus Felix: Luminosus Britannicus. Essays in Honour of A.F.L. Beeston on his Eightieth Birthday. (Oxford Oriental Institute Monographs, 11). Reading: Ithaca, 1991.
Jones AHM 1971 Jones, A.H.M. Syria. Pages 226-294, 446-469, 522-523, 542-547, 562-569The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971 (2nd. edition).
Jones AHM 1937 Jones, A.H.M. The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces. Oxford: Clarendon, 1937.
Jones AHM 1986 Jones, A.H.M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602. A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. (2 volumes). [reprint of first edition 1964]. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986 (2nd. edition).
Jones AHM 1931 Jones, A.H.M. The Urbanization of the Haraean Principality. Journal of Roman Studies 21, 1931: 265-275.
Jones A 1975 Jones, A. [Review of Série Onomasticon Arabicum 1973]. Journal of Semitic Studies 20, 1975: 284-285.
Jones A 1998 Jones, A. The dotting of a script and the dating of an era: the strange neglect of PERF 558. Islamic Culture 72/4, 1998: 95-103.
Jones A 1993 Jones, A. The Language of the Qurʾān. The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic 06/07/2012, 1993: 29-48.
Jones A 1996 Jones, A. The Oral and the Written: Some Thoughts about the Quranic Text. The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic 17, 1996: 57-66.
Jones A 2003 Jones, A. The Word Made Visible: Arabic Script and the Committing of the Qurʾān to Writing. in C. Robinson (ed.), Texts, Documents and Artefacts. Islamic Studies in Honour of D.S. Richards. (Islamic History and Civilization. Studies and Texts, 45). 2003.
Jones A 2007 Jones, A. (transl) The Qurʾān. Translated into English. London: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2007.