Reference Results

Displaying citations 7705 - 7728 of 14522 in total
Ja Jamme 1967 Jamme, A. New Ḥasaean and Sabaean Inscriptions from Saudi Arabia. Oriens Antiquus 6, 1967: 181-187, pl. 47-49.
Jamme 1967 Jamme, A. The So-called Thamudic Divine Name wt = wtn. Bibliotheca Orientalis 24, 1967: 279-288.
Jamme 1967 Jamme, A. The Safaitic Noun nqʾt and its Synonyms. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 29, 1967: 80-86.
JTS Jamme 1967 Jamme, A. Thamudic Studies. Washington, DC: [privately printed], 1967.
Jamme 1966 Jamme, A. Les Listes onomastiques sabéennes de (?) Sirwâh en ʿArhab . Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press, , 1966.
Jamme 1966 Jamme, A. Inscriptions Photographed at Qaryat al-Fáw by Ambassador Parker T. Hart. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 41, 1966: 289-301.
Ja Jamme 1966 Jamme, A. Sabaean and Ḥasaean Inscriptions from Saudi Arabia. (Studi semitici, 23). Rome: Università di Roma, Istituto di Studi del Vicino Oriente, 1966.
Jamme 1965 Jamme, A. Research on Sabaean rock inscriptions from southwestern Saudi Arabia . Washington, D.C.: [Privately produced], 1965.
Jamme 1965 Jamme, A. Notes on the published inscribed objects excavated at Heid bin 'Aqîl in 1950-1951 . Washington, D.C.: [Privately produced], 1965.
Jamme 1965 Jamme, A. A propos des rois hadramoutiques de al-`Uqlah. Washington, D.C.: [privately produced], 1965.
Jamme 1963 Jamme, A. The Al-ʿUqlah texts. Documentation Sud-Arabe, III. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1963.
Jamme 1963 Jamme, A. Preliminary Report on Epigraphic Research in North-Western Wâdi Ḥaḍramawt and at al-ʿAbar. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 172, 1963: 41-54.
Jamme 1962 Jamme, A. Sabaean Inscriptions from Maḥram Bilqîs (Mârib). (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 3). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1962.
Jamme 1961 Jamme, A. La Dynastie de Sarahbi'il Yakûf et La Documentation épigraphique sud-arabe . (Uitgaven van het Nederlands hist.-archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, 9). Istanbul: Nederlands historisch-archaeologisch Instituut in het Nabije Oosten, , 1961.
Jamme 1961 Jamme, A. The South-Arabian Clay Stamp from Bethel Again. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 163, 1961: 15-18.
JaS Jamme 1959 Jamme A. A Safaitic Inscription from the Negev. ‘Atiqot [English Series] 2, 1959: 150-151, pl. 23.
Jamme 1959 Jamme, A. La jarre épigraphique qatabanite de Haǧr bin Ḥumeid et son étude par Paolo Boneschi. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 34, 1959: 127-136.
Jamme 1958-1959 Jamme, A. Les antiquités sud-arabes du musée Borély a Marseille. Cahiers de Byrsa 8, 1958-1959: 149-189, pls I-XII.
Jamme 1957 Jamme, A. La Paléographie sud-arabe de Jacqueline Pirenne . Washington, D.C.: [Privately produced], 1957.
Jamme 1956 Jamme, A. Les Antiquités sud-arabes du Museo nazionale romano. Monumenti Antichi 43, 1956: 1-120.
Jamme 1956 Jamme, A. Un désastre nabatéen devant Nagran. Cahiers de Byrsa 6, 1956: 165-171.
Jamme 1956 Jamme, A. L'inscription ḥaḍramoutique Ingrams I et la chasse rituelle sud-arabe. Le Muséon 69, 1956: 99-108.
Jamme 1956 Jamme, A. L'identification de Taʾlab au dieu lunaire et les textes sabéens GL1142 et 1143. Bibliotheca Orientalis 13, 1956: 182-186.
Jamme 1955 Jamme, A. De la méthode en épigraphie. Washington, DC: [privately produced], 1955.