Reference Results
Displaying citations 7801 - 7824 of 14522 in total
Israel 1997 | Israel, F. La lettura delle scritture semitiche. Afroasiatica Neapolitana 6, 1997: 123-126. | |
Israel 1995 | Israel, F. [Review of Fowler 1988 (FTNH)]. Syria 72, 1995: 449-450. | |
Israel 1995 | Israel, F. L'onomastique arabe dans les inscriptions de Syrie et de Palestine. Pages 47-57 in H. Lozachmeur (ed.), Présence arabe dans le Croissant fertile avant l'Hégire. Actes de la Table ronde internationale organisée par l'Unité de recherche associé 1062 du CNRS, Études sémitiques, au Collège de France, le 13 novembre 1993. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1995. | |
Israel 1995 | Israel, F. [La ville dans les sociètès de Palestine et de Transjordanie] . Semitica 43-44, 1995: 37. | |
Israel 1995 | Israel, F. L'épigraphie et le lexique politique des sociétés en Palestine ancienne. Semitica 43-44, 1995: 37-52. | |
Israel 1991 | Israel, F. Note Ammonite III. Problemi di epigrafia sigillare ammonita. Pages 215-241 in C. Baurain, C. Bonnet, V. Krings (eds), Phoinikeia Grammata. Lire et écrire en Méditerranée. Actes du Colloque de Liège, 15-18 novembre 1989. (Collection d'Études Classiques, 6). Namur: Société des Études Classiques, 1991. | |
Israel 1991 | Israel, F. Some Conservative Features of Phoenician in the Light of Geographic Linguistics. Pages 729-744 in A.S. Kaye (ed.), Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991. 1. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. | |
Israel 1990 | Israel, F. Note Ammonite II: La religione degli ammoniti attraverso le fonti epigraphiche. Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni 56, 1990: 307-337. | |
Israel 1989 | Israel, F. Note Ammonite – 1. Gli arabismi nella documentazione onomastica ammonita. Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul vicino oriente antico 6, 1989: 92-96. | |
Israel 1987 | Israel, F. Supplementum Idumeum I. Rivista Biblica Italiana [?] 35, 1987: 337-356. | |
Israel 1987 | Israel, F. Les sceaux ammonites. Syria 64, 1987: 141-146. | |
Israel 1979 | Israel, F. Miscellanea Idumea. Rivista Biblica Italiana [?] 27, 1979: 171-203. | |
Israel 1979 | Israel, F. The Language of the Ammonites. Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 1979: 143-159. | |
Is.R | Is.R | Inscriptions recorded at al-ʿĪsāwī by Reem Salih, on the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme, 1996, 2000, and published here. |
ISP | [Safaitic inscriptions in Ingholy, Starcky, Ryckmans G 1951 (ISRRE)]. | |
Isodore of Charax / W.H. Schoff 1914 | Isodore of Charax Parthian Stations by Isodore of Charax. An Account of the Overland Trade Route between the Levant and India in the First Century B.C.. The Greek text with a translation and commentary. Philadelphia, PA: The Commercial Museum, 1914. | |
Is.N | Is.N | Inscriptions recorded at al-ʿĪsāwī by Najat Al-Rafi, on the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme, 2002, and published here. |
Is.Mu | Is.Mu | Inscriptions recorded at al-ʿĪsāwī by Muna Al-Muʾazzin, on the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme, 1995–2002, and published here. |
Ismail Kh 2001 | Ismail, Kh. Numerals in Nabataean inscriptions. Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University 23, 2001: 35-36. | |
Ismail 1998 | Ismail, Kh. Hatra Sanctuaries. Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University 21, 1998: 29-31. | |
Ismail 1996 | Ismail, F. Qatna (Tell Mischrife) in den altbabylonischen Dokumenten. Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes 42, 1996: 129-130. | |
Is.M | Is.M | Inscriptions recorded at al-ʿĪsāwī by Michael Macdonald, on the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme, 1995–2003, and published here. |
Islam & Hamad ZF 2007 | Islam, M.A. & Hamad, Z.F. Al- The Dome of the Rock: Origin of its octagonal plan. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 139, 2007: 109-128. | |
Is.L | Is.L | Inscriptions recorded at al-ʿĪsāwī by Laïla Nehmé, on the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme, 1995–1996, and published here. |