Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 8161 - 8184 of 14487 in total
Le Rider 1965 Le Rider, G. Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes. Les trouvailles monétaires et l'histoire de la ville. Mission de Susiane sous la direction de MM. R. Ghirshman et G. Salles. (Mémoires de la Mission Archéologique en Iran, 38). Paris: Geuthner, 1965.
Le Roux 2012 Le Roux, M. Pre-Islamic Arabic Trade and Religion on the East Coast of Africa. Pages 107-128 in N. Jallad (ed.), People from the Desert: Pre-Islamic Arabs in History and Culture. Selected Essays. (Textualia. Jews, Christians and Muslims in their texts, 2). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2012.
Leschi 1931 Leschi, L. Recherches épigraphiques dans le pays des Nemencha (commune de Tébessa). Henchir-el-Abiod. Revue Africaine 72, 1931: 263-293.
Leslau 1962 Leslau, W. A Prefix ḥ in Egyptian, Modern South Arabian, and Hausa. Africa. Journal of the International African Institute 32, 1962: 65-68.
Leslau 1997 Leslau, W. Arabia and Ethiopia. Pages 227-228 in R.G. Stiegner (ed.), Aktualisierte Beiträge zum 1. Internationalen Symposion SÜDARABIEN interdisziplinär an der Universität Graz [15. - 17. November 1990]. mit kurzen Einführungen zu Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte. In Memoriam Maria Höfner. Graz: Leykam, 1997.
Leslau 1990 Leslau, W. Arabic Loanwords in Ethiopian Semitic. Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz, 1990.
Leslau 1987 Leslau, W. Comparative Dictionary of Geʿez (Classical Ethiopic). Geʿez-English / English-Geʿez with an index of the Semitic roots. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1987.
Leslau 1976 Leslau, W. Concise Amharic Dictionary. Amharic-English. English-Amharic. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1976.
Leslau 1989 Leslau, W. Concise dictionary of Ge'ez: classical Ethiopic. xi-247 p. ;. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1989.
Leslau 1937 Leslau, W. Der š-Laut in den modernen südarabischen Sprachen. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 44, 1937: 211-218.
Leslau 1971 Leslau, W. Ethiopic and South Arabian. Pages 467-527 in C.A. Ferguson, C.T. Hodge, H.H. Paper (eds), Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa. (Current Trends in Lingusitics, 6). The Hague: Mouton, 1971.
Leslau 1969 Leslau, W. Hebrew Cognates in Amharic. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1969.
Leslau 1939-1944 Leslau, W. Le rapport entre š et h en sémitique. Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 7, 1939-1944: 265-272.
Leslau 1938 Leslau, W. Lexique Soqotri (sudarabique moderne): avec comparaisons et explications étymologiques. Collection linguistique ; 41. viii-501 p. ;. Paris: Klincksieck, 1938.
Leslau 1968 Leslau, W. Observations on Semitic Cognates in Ugaritic. Orientalia 37, 1968: 347-366.
Leslau 1949 Leslau, W. [Review of Höfner 1943 (HAG)]. Journal of the American Oriental Society 69, 1949: 97-100.
leslau n.d. Leslau, W. Supplement. Characteristics of the Ethiopic Language Group of Semitic Languages. Pages 593-613Handbook of African Languages. Linguistic Analysis. n.d..
Leslau 1989 Leslau, W. The Geʿez and the Arabic Vocabulary. Pages 23-38 in U. Ehrensvärd and C Toll (eds.), On Both Sides of al-Mandab. Ethiopian, South-Arabic and Islamic Studies presented to OSCAR LÖFGREN on his ninetieth birthday 13 May 1988 by colleagues and friends. (Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul Transactions, 2). Stockholm: Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul, 1989.
Leslau 1953 Leslau, W. The Imperfect in South-East Semitic. Journal of the American Oriental Society 73, 1953: 164-166.
Leslau 1961 Leslau, W. The Names of the Weekdays in Ethiopic. Journal of Semitic Studies 6, 1961: 62-70.
Leslau 1969 Leslau, W. The negative Particle ʾin in Arabic and (ʾ)ən in Ethiopic. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 29 [NS 19], 1969: 137-145.
Leslau 1957 Leslau, W. The Semitic Phonetic System. Pages 325-329 in L. Kaiser (ed.), Manual of Phonetics. 1957.
Leslau 1937 Leslau, W. Über das ḥa- Präfix im Arabischen. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 44, 1937: 219-220.
Lesquier 1917 Lesquier, J. L'Arabarchès d'Égypte. Revue archéologique Ve série, 6, 1917: 95-103.