Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 8857 - 8880 of 14487 in total
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Marinescu 1996 Marinescu, C.A. Transformations: Classical Objects and their Re-Use during Late Antiquity. Pages 285-298 in R.W. Mathisen and H.S. Sivan (eds), Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity. papers from the First Interdisciplinary Conference on Late Antiquity, the University of Kansas, March 1995. Aldershot: Variorum, 1996.
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Markoe 2003 Markoe, G. (ed.) Petra Rediscovered. Lost City of the Nabataeans. Published to accopany an exhibition at the Cincinnati Art Museum 2003. New York: Abrams in association with the Cincinnati Art Museum, 2003.
Marks 2008 Marks, A.E. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 38, 2008: 15-24.
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Marmardji 1937 Marmardji, A.-S. La Lexicographie arabe à la lumière du bilittéralisme et de la philologie sémitique. 235 p. ;. Jérusalem: Imprimerie des PP. franciscains, 1937.
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