Reference Results
Displaying citations 9337 - 9360 of 14522 in total
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Gesenius, Kautzsch & Cowley 1910 | Gesenius, W., Kautzsch, E. & Cowley, A.E. Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar as edited and enlarged by the late E. Kautsch. Second English edition revised in accordance with the twenty-eighth German edition (1909) by A.E. Cowley. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the second edition 1946. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1946. | |
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Germer-Durand 1895 | Germer-Durand, P. Inscriptions romaines et byzantines de Palestine. Revue biblique 1895: 590. | |
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Gerlach 2015 | Gerlach, I. (ed.) South Arabia and its Neighbours. Phenomena of Intercultural Contacts. 14. Rencontres Sabéennes. (Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 14). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2015. | |
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Gerlach 2006 | Gerlach, I. Die sabäische Stadtanlage und Oase von Sirwāh. Jemen-Report 37/1, 2006 | |
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Gerlach 2002 | Gerlach, I. Der Friedhof des Awām-Tempels in Marib. Bericht der Ausgrabungen von 1997 bis 2000. Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen 9, 2002: 41-58, Taf. 1-33. | |
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George A 2009 | George, A. Calligraphy, Colour and Light in the Blue Qurʾan. Journal of Qur’anic Studies 11, 2009: 75-125. |