Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 9409 - 9432 of 14487 in total
Mouton M 1990 Mouton, M. Les pointes de flèches en fer des sites préislamiques de Mleiha et Ed-Dur (EAU). Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 1, 1990: 88-103.
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Mouton 2010 Mouton, M. Mleiha et le peuplement de la péninsule d'Oman à la période pré-islamique récente. Pages 181-211 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Eastern Arabia in the First Millennium BC. (Arabia Antica, 6). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider, 2010.
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Mouton, Mokaddem, & Garczynski 1997 Mouton, M., Mokaddem, K., & Garczynski, P. Excavations at Mleiha 1990 and 1992 Campaigns. Pages 24, 41-43, 47, 48, 65, 71, 72 in R. Boucharlat (ed.), Archaeological Surveys in Sharjah Emirate (U.A.E.). Sixth Report (1990–92). Sharjah, U.A.E.: Directorate of Archaeology, Department of Culture & Information / Lyon: Maison de l'OrientSharjah, U.A.E.: Directorate of Archaeology, Department of Culture & Information / Lyon: Maison de l'Orient, 1997.
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Mouton & Renel 2012 Mouton, M. & Renel, F. The early Petra monolithic funerary blocks at Rās and Bāb as-Sīq. Pages 135-162 in M. Mouton & S.G. Schmid (eds), Man on the Rocks. The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin 2–4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2012.
Mouton & Renel 2013 Mouton, M. & Renel, F. The early Petra monolithic funerary blocks at Rās Sulaymān and Bāb as-Sīq. Pages 135-162 in M. Mouton & S.G. Schmid (eds), Men on the Rocks: The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin, 2-4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2013.
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Mouton & Schiettecatte 2014 Mouton, M. & Schiettecatte, J. In the desert margins: The settlement process in ancient South and East Arabia. (Arabia Antica, 9). Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 2014.
Mouton & Schmid 2013 Mouton, M. & Schmid, S.G. Men on the Rocks: The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin, 2-4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2013.
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Mouton 2010 Mouton, M. The monolithic djin blocks at Petra: a funerary practice of pre-Islamic Arabia. Pages 275-287 in L. Weeks (ed.), Death and Burial in Arabia and Beyond. Multidisciplinary perspectives. (Society for Arabian Studies Monographs, 10). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010.
Mouton 2009 Mouton, M. The settlement patterns of north-eastern and south-eastern Arabia in late antiquity. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 20, 2009: 185-207.
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Muaikel 1994 Muaikel, Kh.I. al- Study of the Archaeology of the Jawf Region, Saudi Arabia. [‘This book being a thesis entitled: “A Critical Study of the Jawf Region of Saudi Arabia with additional material on its history and early Arabic Epigraphy.” Presented by the Author for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Durham, Nove. Al-Riyāḍ: Maktabat al-malik fahd al-waṭaniya, 1994.