Reference Results
Displaying citations 9505 - 9528 of 14521 in total
Garbini 1968 | Garbini, G. Divinità, confraternite e tribù a Palmira. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 28 [N.S. 18], 1968: 74-79. | |
Garbini 1965 | Garbini, G. [Review of Jamme 1963 (JUT)]. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 15, 1965: 341-342. | |
Garbini 1965 | Garbini, G. La semitistica: definizione e prospettive di una disiplina. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 15, 1965 | |
Garbini 1961 | Garbini, G. Bibliographie sémitique. 7 (1.I.1959 - 31.XII.1960). Orientalia 30, 1961: 42*-56* and 57*-61*. | |
Garbini 1960 | Garbini, G. Il Semitico di Nord-Ovest. Quaderni delle Sezione Linguistica degli Annali ; 1. 206 p. ;. Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1960. | |
Garbini 1959 | Garbini, G. Bibliographie sémitique. 6 (1.I.1957 - 31.XII.1958). Orientalia 28, 1969: 59-64* and 65*-90*. | |
Garbini 1957 | Garbini, G. Bibliographie sémitique. 5 (1.I.1953 - 31.XII.1956). Orientalia 26, 1957: 50*-72* and 73*-115*. | |
Garbini 1956 | Garbini, G. Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. 1956. Memorie. Classe di studi morale, storiche e filologiche. L'Aramaico antico. p.237-282 ;. Roma: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1956. | |
Garba & Farrington 2011 | Garba, R. & Farrington, P. Walled structures and settlement patterns in the south-western part of Dhofar, Oman (poster). Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 41, 2011: 95-100. | |
Gangkofer & Brügelmann 1989 | Gangkofer, M. & Brügelmann, H. Zeichen - Sprache - Schrift. Pages 142-143 in H. Balhorn & H. Brügelmann (eds), Jeder spricht anders: Normen und Vielfalt in Sprache und Schrift. (Libelle: Wissenschaft lesen und schreiben, 3). Konstanz: Faude, 1989. | |
Gamble 1995 | Gamble, H.Y. Books and Readers in the Early Church. A History of Early Christian Texts. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995. | |
Galling 1933 | Galling, K. Ein Stück judäischen Bodenrechts in Jesaia 8. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 56, 1933: 209-218. | |
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Galley 1990 | Galley, M. Histoire et épopée. Quaderni di Studi Arabi 8, 1990: 155-170, fig. 1-3. | |
Gallagher 1999 | Gallagher, W. R. Sennacherib's Campaign to Judah. New Studies. (Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East, 18). Leiden: Brill, 1999. | |
Gallagher 1995 | Gallagher, N.E. Medecine. Contemporary Practice. Pages 89-91 in J.L. Esposito (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern Islamic World. 3. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. | |
Galil 2007 | Galil, G. David and Hazael: War, Peace, Stones and Memory. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 139, 2007: 79-84. | |
Galil 2001 | Galil, G. A Re-arrangement of the Fragments of the Tel Dan Inscription and the Relations between Israel and Aram. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 133, 2001: 16-21. | |
Gale 1994 | Gale, R. Charcoal from an Early Dilmun Settlement at Saar, Bahrain. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 5, 1994: 229-235. | |
Galand-Pernet & Zafrani 1970 | Galand-Pernet, P. & Zafrani, H. Une version berbère de la Haggadah de Pesaḥ. Texte de Tinrhir du Todrha (Maroc). (2 volumes). (Comptes Rendus du Groupe Linguistique d'Études Chamito-Sémitiques. Supplément, 1). Paris: Geuthner, 1970. | |
Galand-Pernet 2001-2002 | Galand-Pernet, P. Note d'onomastique — anthroponymes. Épigraphie Libyco-Berbère 7 and 8, 2001-2002: 7: 3-4; 8: 2-3. | |
Galand-Pernet 1998 | Galand-Pernet, P. Littératures berbères. Des voix. Des lettres. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1998. | |
Galand, Février JG & Vajda 1966 | Galand, L., Février, J.-G. & Vajda, G. Inscriptions antiques du Maroc. Paris: Éditions du CNRS, 1966. | |
Galand 2008 | Galand, L. Noms "libyques" de personnes à Cyrène. Épigraphie Libyco-Berbère 14, 2008 |