Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 9649 - 9672 of 14487 in total
Munaggid 1972 Munaggid, S. al- Etudes de paléographie arabe. 151 p. :. Beirut: New book pub. house, 1972.
Mundy 1995 Mundy, M. Domestic government: kinship, community and polity in North Yemen. (Society and Culture in the modern Middle East). Lodon: I.B. Tauris, 1995.
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Munro-Hay 1989 Munro-Hay, S.C. Excavations at Aksum, an account of research at the ancient Ethiopian capital directed in 1972-4 by the late Dr Neville Chittick. with a foreword by J.E.G. Sutton and contributions by A. Kaczmarczyk, R. Lewcock, H.M. Morrison, R.F. Wilding. Volume editor: D.W. Phillipson. (Memoirs of the British Institute in Eastern Africa, 10). London: British Institute in Eastern Africa, 1989.
Munro-Hay 2003 Munro-Hay, S.C.H. Mare Erythraeum 6, 2003
Munro-Hay 2003 Munro-Hay, S. C. H. South Arabian coins in a private collection 2 (PC 1998). Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 14, 2003: 71-80.
Munro-Hay 1997 Munro-Hay, S.C.H. South Arabian Coins in a Private Collection. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 8, 1997: 230-240.
Munro-Hay 1992 Munro-Hay, S.C.H. The coinage of Shabwa (Hadhramawt), and other Ancient South Arabian coinage in the National Museum, Aden. Pages 391-418 in J-F. Breton (ed.), Fouilles de Shabwa. II. Rapports préliminaires. (Institut Français d'Archéologie du Proche-Orient, Publication Hors Série, 19). Paris: Geuthner, 1992.
Munro-Hay 1991 Munro-Hay, S.C.H. The Coinage of Shabwa (Hadramawt), and other Ancient South Arabian Coinage in the National Museum, Aden. Syria 68, 1991: 393-418.
Munt 2015 Munt, H. Arabic and Persian sources for pre-Islamic Arabia. Pages 434-500 in G. Fisher (ed.), Arabs and Empires before Islam. with contributions by . with contributions by T. Daryaee, O. Edaibat, R.G. Hoyland, I. Toral-Niehoff. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Munt 2012 Munt, H. The construction of Medina's earliest city walls: defence and symbol. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 42, 2012: 233-244.
Muqaddasi 1896 Muqaddasi, @. al- Description of Syria including Palestine: Translated from the Arabic and Annotated by G. Le Strange. London: Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society, 1896.
Muqaddasī / Collins (transl.) 2001 Muqaddasī, al- The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions. Aḥsan al-Taqāsīm fī Maʿrifat al-Aqālīm. Translated by B. Collins. reviewed by M.H. ltaʾi. Reading: Garnet, 2001.
Muraoka 2005 Muraoka, T. Classical Syriac. A Basic Grammar with a Chrstomathy. With a select Bibliography Compiled by S.P. Brock. Second, Revised Edition. (Porta Linguarum Orientalium, NS 19). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005 [1st ed. 1996].
Muraoka 1966 Muraoka, T. Notes on the Syntax of Biblical Aramaic. Journal of Semitic Studies 11, 1966: 151-167.
Muraoka & Porten 1998 Muraoka, T. & Porten, B. A Grammar of Egyptian Aramaic. (Handbuch der Orientalistik, 01/01/1932). Leiden: Brill, 1998.
Muraoka & Rogland 1998 Muraoka, T. & Rogland, M. The waw consecutive in Old Aramaic? A Rejoinder to Victor Sasson. Vetus Testamentum 48, 1998: 99-104.
Muraoka 1992 Muraoka, T. Studies in Qumran Aramaic. (Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series, 3). Leuven: Peeters, 1992.
Muraoka 1992 Muraoka, T. The verbal reaction in Qumran Aramaic. Pages 99-118 in T. Muraoka (ed.), Studies in Qumran Aramaic. (Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series, 3). Leuven: Peeters, 1992.
Murphy 1945 Murphy, C.C.R. Who were the Saracens?. Asiatic Review 41 (no. 145), 1945: 188-190.
Murray AS 1895 Murray, A.S. Greek inscription from near Tripoli forwarded by Dr. Harris. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 1895: 128.
Murray AS 1895 Murray, A.S. Greek Mosaic Inscription from Mount of Olives. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 1895: 86.
Murray AS 1895 Murray, A.S. Latin inscription in the wall of Neby Daud, Jerusalem. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 1895: 130.