Reference Results

Displaying citations 9697 - 9720 of 14521 in total
Frantsouzoff 2005 Frantsouzoff, S. Ḏāt Ḥimyam. Pages 107-108 in S. Uhlig (ed.), Encyclopaedia Aethiopica. 2 D–Ha. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005.
Frantsouzoff 2005 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Matres lectionis v rannem gezze [Matres lectionis in early Geʿez]. Scrinium 1, 2005: 50-57.
Frantsouzoff 2005 Frantsouzoff, S. The chronological frame for the history of Raynūn (Inland Ḥaḍramawt): linguistic and palaeographic criteria. (Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 10). Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern, 2005.
Frantsouzoff 2004 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Temples, Tribes, Rulers and Military Campaigns of Ancient Ḥaḍramawt: Harmony and Disagreement between Archaeological Material and Epigraphic Data. Arabia 2, 2004: 73-85, figs 42-49 on pp. 217-221.
Frantsouzoff 2004 Frantsouzoff, S.A. A Gezerah-decree from Ancient South Arabia. Tema. Journal of Judeo-Yemenite Studies 8, 2004: 33-43.
Frantsouzoff 2003 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Raybūn et la Mecque (politique et religion en Arabie préislamique). Notes préliminaires. Arabia 1, 2003: 59-64.
Frantsouzoff 2003 Frantsouzoff, S.A. En marge des inscriptions de Raybūn. Remarques sur la grammaire, le lexique et le formulaire de la langue ḥaḍramoutique épigraphique. Arabia 1, 2003: 39-58, pls 6-8 (on pp. 211-213).
Frantsouzoff 2003 Frantsouzoff, S. A. The Hadramitic funerary inscription from the cave-tomb at al-Rukbah (Wādī Ghabr, Inland Ḥaḍramawt) and burial ceremonies in ancient Ḥaḍramawt. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 33, 2003: 251-265.
Frantsouzoff 2001-2002 Frantsouzoff, S. A. [Review of Sima 1999 (SLIU)]. Archiv für Orientforschung 48/49, 2001-2002: 275-278.
Frantsouzoff 2001 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Epigraphic evidence for the cult of the god Sīn at Raybūn and Shabwa. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 31, 2001: 59-67.
Frantsouzoff 2001 Frantsouzoff, S. A. Le "tailleur de pierre" (grby-n/-hn) dans les inscriptions sudarabiques. Raydān 7, 2001: 125-143.
Frantsouzoff 2001 Frantsouzoff, S. Inventaire des Inscriptions Sudarabiques. Tome 5. Raybūn. Ḥadrān, Temple de la déesse ʿAthtarum / ʿAśtarum. avec une contribution archéologique d'Aleksandr SEDOV. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris) / Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (Rome) / Académie des Sciences de Russie, Institut d'Études Orientales, Expédition Pluridisciplinaire S. (2 volumes). Paris: Boccard / Rome: Herder, 2001.
Frantsouzoff 1999-2000 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Antioch in South Arabian Tradition (Remarks on some Commentaries to the Qurʾānic Verses 21:11-15 & 36:13/12/-14/13). ARAM 11 & 12, 1999-2000: 399-407.
Frantsouzoff 1999 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Hadramitic documents written on palm-leaf stalks. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 29, 1999: 55-65.
Frantsouzoff 1998 Frantsouzoff, S.A. A parallel to the Second Commandment in the inscription of Raybūn. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 28, 1998: 61-67.
Frantsouzoff 1997 Frantsouzoff, S.A. On the origin of the Arabic alphabetic letter-order. in W. Madelung, Yu. Petrosyan, H. Waardenburg-Kilpatrick, A. Khalidov, E. Rezvan (eds), Proceedings of the 17th Congress of the UEAI. (Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants / St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences). St. Petersburg: Thesa, 1997.
Frantsouzoff 1997 Frantsouzoff, S.A. Regulation of conjugal relations in ancient Raybūn. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 27, 1997: 113-127.
Frantsouzoff 1997 Frantsouzoff, S.A. L'onomastique [des inscriptions du temple de Ḥaḍrān à Raybūn]. [unpublished typescript]. 1997.
Frantsouzoff 1997 Frantsouzoff, S.A. [Review of Rodionov 1994 (REZH)]. Bulletin critique des Annales Islamologiques 13, 1997: 196-200.
Frantsouzoff 1997 Frantsouzoff, S.A. [Review of Kormisheva and Sedov 1994 (KRSE.I)]. Bulletin critique des Annales Islamologiques 13, 1997: 113-117.
Frantsouzoff 1996 Frantsouzoff, S.A. A Gezērah-Decree from Ancient Southern Arabia (a new approach to the interpretation of MAFRAY-Ḥaṣī 1). ARAM 8, 1996: 299-306.
Frantsouzoff 1995 Frantsouzoff, S.A. The Inscriptions from the Temples of Dhat Ḥimyam at Raybūn. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 25, 1995: 15-28, Pl 1-2.
Frantsouzoff Frantsouzoff, S.A. A Parallel to the Second Commandment in the Inscriptions of Raybūn. ARAM
Franklin 1991 Franklin, J.L. Literacy and the parietal inscriptions of Pompeii. Pages 77-98 in J.H. Humphrey (ed.), Literacy in the Roman World. (Journal of Roman Archaeology: Supplementary Series, 3). Ann Arbor, MI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 1991.