Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 9793 - 9816 of 14487 in total
Naveh 2003 Naveh, J. A Sabaic bilingual tomb inscription of Sheba. Lešonenu 65, 2003: 117-120.
Naveh 1982 Naveh, J. Early History of the Alphabet. An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Palaeography. Jerusalem: Magnes / Leiden: Brill, 1982.
Naveh 1987 Naveh, J. Early History of the Alphabet: An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Palaeography. Second edition - Additions and corrections. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1987 (2nd edition).
Naveh 2002 Naveh, J. Epigraphic Miscellanea. Israel Exploration Journal 52, 2002: 240-253.
Naveh 1979 Naveh, J. Graffiti and Dedications. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 235, 1979: 27-30.
Naveh & Magen 1997 Naveh, J. & Magen, Y. Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions of the Second-Century BCE at Mount Gerizim. ʿAtiqot 32, 1997: 9*-17*, plates p.45-54 of Hebrew Section.
Naveh 2003 Naveh, J. Nabatean Language, Script and Inscriptions. Pages 15–19 [Hebrew]; 15*-16* [English] in R. Rosenthal-Heginbottom (ed.), The Nabateans in the Negev. Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, Catalog No. 22, Winter 2003. Haifa: Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, 2003.
Naveh 1990 Naveh, J. Nameless People. Israel Exploration Journal 40, 1990: 108-123.
Naveh 1975 Naveh, J. Origins of the alphabet. Cassell's introducing archaeological series. 95 p.-2 pl. ;. London: Cassell, 1975.
Naveh 1992 Naveh, Joseph On sherd and papyrus: Aramaic and Hebrew inscriptions from the second temple Mishnaic and Talmudic periods . 293 p. ;. Jerusalem : Magnes press, ,
Naveh 1997 Naveh, J. [Review of Hillers and Cussini 1996 (PAT)]. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 305, 1997: 90-91.
Naveh 1971 Naveh, J. [Review of Pritchard 1969 (The Ancient Near East)]. Israel Exploration Journal 21, 1971: 66-67.
Naveh 2000 Naveh, J. Seven New Inscriptions from Zoʿar. Tarbiz 69, 2000: 619-635.
Naveh & Shaked 2003 Naveh, J. & Shaked, S. A ‘Knot’ and a ‘Break’: Terms for a Receipt in Antiquity. Israel Exploration Journal 53, 2003: 111-118.
Naveh & Shaked 1985 Naveh , J. & Shaked, S. Amulets and magic bowls: Aramaic incantations of late antiquity . Jerusalem: Magnes, 1985.
Naveh & Shaked 1993 Naveh, J. & Shaked, S. Magic Spells and Formulae: Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1993.
Naveh 1967 Naveh, J. Some Notes on Nabatean Inscriptions from ʿAvdat. Israel Exploration Journal 17, 1967: 187-189.
Naveh & Stern 1974 Naveh, J. & Stern, E. A Stone Vessel with a Thamudic Inscription. Israel Exploration Journal 24, 1974: 79-83.
Naveh & Stern 1974 Naveh, J. & Stern, E. @. Qadmoniot 7, 1974: 41-42.
Naveh 2009 Naveh, J. Studies in West-Semitic Epigraphy. Selected Papers. Jerusalem: Magnes, 2009.
Naveh 1975 Naveh, J. Thamudic Inscriptions from the Negev. Eretz Israel 12, 1975: 129-131, pl. כז.
Naveh 1979 Naveh, J. The Aramaic Ostraca from Tell Beer-Sheba (Seasons 1971-1976). Tel Aviv 6, 1979: 182-198.
Naveh 1970 Naveh, J. The Development of the Aramaic Script. . (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Proceedings, V/1). Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1970.
Naveh 1970 Naveh, J. The Development of the Aramaic Script. Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 5:1, 1970: 1–69.