Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11545 - 11568 of 14487 in total
Ruseni, Khan, Salook, Shuwaish, Eskoubi, Zamil, Khattab, Kharboush, & Qadi 2001 Ruseni, I. al-, Khan, M., Salook, M. al-, Shuwaish, S.F. al-, Eskoubi, Kh.M., Zamil, F. al-, Khattab, A.M.A., Kharboush, A. al-, & Qadi, A.A. The Rock Art and Epigraphic Survey of Makkah Area. Atlal 16, 2001: 63-71, pls 89-97.
Rushdi 1966 Rushdi, Z.H.M. @. Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University 28, 1966 [1971]: @.
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Rusini, Subhan, Shuwaysh, & Utaybi 2006 Rusini, I. al-, Subhan, I. al-, Shuwaysh, S. al-, & Utaybi, S. al- Taqrīr mabaʾī ʿan masḥ minṭaqat al-qasīm (al-mawsim al-awwal 1422 h.). Atlal 19, 2006: 117-159 [Arabic], pls 6.1-6.8.
Russell 1998 Russell, J. M. The Final Sack of Nineveh. The Discovery, Documentation, and Destruction of King Sennacherib's Throne Room at Nineveh, Iraq. New Haven: Yale University Press , 1998.
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Rutherford 2002 Rutherford, I. Interference or Translationese? Some Patterns in Lycian-Greek Bilingualism. Pages 197-219 in J.N. Adams, M. Janse & S. Swain (eds), Bilingualism in Ancient Society. Language Contact and the Written Text. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Rutter 1930 Rutter, E. The Habitability of the Arabian Desert. Geographical Journal 76, 1930: 512-515.
Rutter 1931 Rutter, E. The Hejaz. Geographical Journal 77, 1931: 97-109.
Rutter 1928 Rutter, E. The Holy Cities of Arabia. (2 volumes). London: Putnam's, 1928.
Rutter 2015 Rutter, E. The Holy Cities of Arabia. With a biographical introduction by W. Facey and S. Sharpe. New edition with extensive notes by W. Facey.. London: Arabian Publishing, 2015.
Ruzicka 1909 Ruzicka, R. Konsonantische Dissimilation in den semitischen Sprachen. Beiträge zur Assyriologie und semitischen Sprachwissenschaft ; VI/4. iv-268 p. ;. Leipzig : J. C. Hinrichs ; 1909., 1909.
Ružička 1932 Ružička, R. L'échange de ʿ—ġ en arabe d'après les témoignages des grammariens et lexicographes arabes. Contribution à la solution de la question de l'existence d'un ġ sémitique commun. Pages 176-178Actes du XVIIIe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Leiden 7—12 septembre 1931. 1932.
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