Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11521 - 11544 of 14487 in total
Rubin U 1990 Rubin, U. Ḥanīfiyya and Kaʿba: an Inquiry into the Arabian Pre-Islamic Background of Dīn Ibrāhīm. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 13, 1990: 85-112.
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Rubin Z 1986 Rubin, Z. Diplomacy and War in the Relations Between Byzantium and the Sassanids in the Fifth Century B.C.. Pages 677-695 in P. Freeman and D. Kennedy (eds.), The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East. Proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986 (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 8). (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 297.2). 1986.
Rubin Z 2002 Rubin, Z. Res Gestae Divi Saporis: Greek and Middle Iranian in a Document of Sasanian Anti-Roman Propaganda. Pages 267-297 in J.N. Adams, M. Janse & S. Swain (eds), Bilingualism in Ancient Society. Language Contact and the Written Text. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Rubio 2006 Rubio, G. Writing in another tongue: alloglottography in the ancient Near east. Pages 33-70 in S.L. Sanders (ed.), Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures. Second printing with postscripts and minor corrections. (University of Chicago Oriental Institute Seminars, 2). Chicago, IL: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2007.
Ruby 2006 Ruby, P. Peuples, fictions ? ethnicité, identité ethnique et sociétés anciennes. Revue des études anciennes 108, 2006: 25-60.
Rudin 1895 Rudin, W. Om de nabateiska inskrifterna. Kyrkl. Tidskr. 4, 1895: 179-182.
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Rundgren 2007 Rundgren, F. On the Greek influence on Arabic grammar. Pages 75–99 in R. Baalbaki (ed.), The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition. Translated by A.G. Goldbloom. (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World, 36). Originally published as: "Über den griechischen Einfluss auf die arabische Nationalgrammatik". Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 2, 1976: 119–144. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
Rundgren 1989 Rundgren, F. The Form of the Definite Article in Arabic. Pages 257-269 in M. Macuch, C. Müller-Kessler & B.G. Fragner (eds), Studia Semitica necnon Iranica Rudolpho Macuch septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1989.
Runkova 1995 Runkova, E.A. Yuzhnaya Araviya v kontse I v. do n. é — nachale III v. n. é [Southern Arabia in the late 1-st century B.C. — early 3rd century A.D]. Materialy po istorii tsivilizatsii drevnei yuzhnoi Arabii [Papers on the History of Civilization of the [sic] Ancient Southern Arabia]. Moskva: istitut Vostokovedeniya possiistkoi Akademii Nauk Gosudarrstvennyi Érmitazh, 1995.
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Ruprechtsberger 1993 Ruprechtsberger, E.M. Syrien. Von den Aposteln zu den Kalifen. Ausstellung Stadtmuseum Linz-Nordico 3.Dezember 1993 bis 4. April 1994, Schloss Schallaburg 30. April 1994 bis 30. Oktober 1994, Bergbaumuseum Klagenfurt 2. Dezember 1994 bis 1. April 1995.. (Linzer Archäologische Forschung, 21). Mainz: von Zabern, 1993.