Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11425 - 11448 of 14487 in total
Rosenhouse 2010 Rosenhouse, J. Features of Annexion Strings in Colloquial and Literary Arabic and Hebrew. Arabica 57, 2010: 267-289.
Rosenhouse 2002 Rosenhouse, J. Personal Names in Hebrew and Arabic: Modern Trends compared to the Past. Journal of Semitic Studies 47, 2002: 97-114.
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Rosen SA & Saidel 2010 Rosen, S.A. & Saidel, B.A. The Camel and the Tent: An Exploration of Technological Change among Early Pastoralists. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 69, 2010: 63-77.
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Rosenthal 1939 Rosenthal, F. (ed.) in F. Rosenthal (ed.), An Aramaic handbook . with contributions by Z Ben-Hayyim, M. Black, A. Dupont-Sommer, H.L. Ginsberg, H. Ingholt, R. Köbert, E.Y. Kutscher, R. Macuch, H. Polotsky, H. Ritter, F. Rosenthal, A. Spitaler. (2 volumes = 4 parts). (Porta Linguarum Orientalium, 10). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1939.
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