Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 11401 - 11424 of 14487 in total
Römer 1986 Römer, W.H.P. Aus dem Sozialleben der Jeziden ('Teufelanbeter') im nördlichen ʿIrāq. Pages 177-184 in H.L.J. Vanstiphout, K. Jongeling, F. Leemhuis, G.J. Reinink (eds), Scripta Signa Vocis. Studies about Scripts, Scriptures, Scribes and Languages in the Near East, presented to J.H. Hospers by his pupils, colleagues and friends. Groningen: Forsten, 1986.
Roncaglia 1971 Roncaglia, M. Les arabes dans l'antiquité classique [Review article of Altheim and Stiehl 1964-1969 (ASA)]. Parole de l'Orient 2, 1971: 175-196.
Roncaglia 1972 Roncaglia, M. Les arabes dans l'antiquité classique [Review article of Altheim and Stiehl 1964-1969 (ASA)]. Parole de l'Orient 3, 1972: 171-178.
Roncaglia 1974 Roncaglia, M.P. Les arabes dans l'antiquité classique [Review article of Altheim and Stiehl 1964-1969 (ASA)]. Parole de l'Orient 5, 1974: 201-210.
Roncaglia 1972 Roncaglia, M. [Review of Altheim and Stiehl 1971 (ACRM) vol. 1]. Parole de l'Orient 3, 1972: 183-187.
Ronde 2003 Ronde, A. Contribution à l'étude du monnayage des pseudo-alexandres des confins du golfe arabo-persique. Bulletin de la Société Française de Numismatique 58/9, 2003: 201-202.
Rondot 1989-1990 Rondot, P. Origine et caractère ancestraux du peuplement assyrien en Haute Djézireh syrienne. Esquisse d'une étude de la vie tribale. Bulletin d'études orientales 41-42, 1989-1990 [1993]: 65-111.
Ronen & Goldstein 2001 Ronen, I. & Goldstein, A.M. (eds) Measuring and Weighing in Ancient Times. Catalogue no. 17. The Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa. Haifa: The Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa, 2001.
Rook 1997 Rook, R.E. Before Darwin and Fort Sumter. The United States' Expedition to Explore the Dead Sea and the River Jordan, 1848. ACOR Newsletter 9.2, 1997
Rosati 1997 Rosati, G. Profumo di terra: valori e simboli dell'immaginario romano. Pages 515-528 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Profumi d'Arabia. Atti del convegno. (Saggi di Storia Antica, 11). Roma: “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, 1997.
Rösch 1880 Rösch, A. Die Königin von Saba als Königin Bilqis: eine Studie. 52 p. ;. Leipzig : J. A. Barth,
Roschinski 1980 b Roschinski (H.P.) BJ 180, 1980
Roschinski 1960 Roschinski, H.P. [Review of Winnett 1957 (SIJ)]. Der Islam 35, 1960: 180-181.
Roschinski 1981 Roschinski, H.P. Sprachen, Schriften und Inschriften in Nordwestarabien. Pages 27-60 in G. Hellenkemper Salies (ed.), Die Nabatäer. Erträge einer Ausstellung im Rheinsichen Landesmuseum Bonn 24 Mai - 9 Juli 1978. Bonn: Habelt, 1981.
Rose 1997 Rose, C.B. The Imperial Image in the Eastern Mediterranean. Pages 108-120 in S.E. Alcock (ed.), The Early Roman Empire in the East. (Oxbow Monographs, 95). Oxford: Oxbow, 1997.
Rösel 1976 Rösel, H. Studien zur Topographie der Kriege in den Büchern Josua und Richter [Schluß]. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 92, 1976
Rosenberg 2003 Rosenberg, S.G. [Review of Ronen & Goldstein 2001 (RMWAT)]. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 135, 2003: 137-138.
Rosenfeld & Potchebutsky 2009 Rosenfeld, B. & Potchebutsky, R. The Civilian-Military Community in the Two Phases of the Synagogue at Dura Europos: A New Approach. Levant 41, 2009: 195-222.
Rosenfeld 1929 Rosenfeld, H. The Social Composition of the Military in the Process of State Formation in the Arabian Desert. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 59, 1929: 75-86, 174-194.
Rosen G 1858 Rosen, G. Aus einem Briefe des Consul Dr. Rosen an Prof. Fleischer. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 12, 1858: 340-343.
Rosen G 1868 Rosen, G. Proben neuerer gelehrter Dichtkunst der Araber. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 22, 1868: 541-544.
Rosén HB 1982-1984 Rosén, Haiim B., East and West: selected writings in linguistics. 2 v. ;. München : W. Fink, c1982-c1984., 1982-1984..
Rosén HB 1991 Rosén, H.B. Some thoughts on the system of designation of cardinal points in ancient Semitic lanuages. Pages 1337-1344 in A.S. Kaye (ed.), Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau. On the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991. 2. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1991.
Rosén HB 1959 Rosén, H.B. Zur Vorgeschichte des Relativsatzes im Nordwestsemitischen. Archiv Orientální 27, 1959: 186-198.