Reference Results

Displaying citations 11329 - 11352 of 14520 in total
Clermont-Ganneau 1896 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Recueil d'archéologie orientale II. Paris: Leroux, 1896.
Clermont-Ganneau 1896 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Notes d'archéologie orientale. Revue archéologique 3rd. series, 28, 1896: 138-153, 337-354.
Clermont-Ganneau 1895-1897 Clermont-Ganneau, Charles Etudes d'archéologie orientale. (2 volumes). (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études. Sciences philologiques et historiques, 44, 113). Paris: Bouillon, 1895-1897.
Clermont-Ganneau 1895 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Κόπρος et le Kophra des Nabatéens. Pages 146-148Études d'archéologie orientale. 1. (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études. Sciences philologiques et historiques, 44). Paris: Bouillon, 1895.
Clermont-Ganneau 1895 Clermont-Ganneau Bustes et inscriptions de Palmyre. Pages 105-130, pls I-IIIÉtudes d'archéologie orientale. 1. (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études. Sciences philologiques et historiques, 44). Paris: Bouillon, 1895.
Clermont-Ganneau 1888-1924 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Recueil d'archéologie orientale. (8 volumes). Paris: Leroux, 1888-1924.
Clermont-Ganneau 1888 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Les noms royaux nabatéens employés comme noms divins. Pages 39-47Recueil d'archéologie orientale. 1. Paris, 1888.
Clermont-Ganneau 1885 Clermont-Ganneau, C. L'inscription nabatéenne de D'meir, et l'ère des Séleucides, dite ère des Romains. Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature 1, 1885: 88-92.
Clermont-Ganneau 1885 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Nouvelles observations sur l'inscription nabatéenne de D'meir, et l'ère des Séleucides, dite ère des Romains. Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature 1, 1885: 175.
Clermont-Ganneau 1885 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Les noms propres nabatéens pseudothéophores. Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature 1, 1885: 176.
Clermont-Ganneau 1885 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Les Fraudes archéologiques en Palestine: suivies de quelques monuments phéniciens apocryphes. (Bibliothèque orientale elzévirienne, 40). Paris : Leroux, 1885.
Clermont-Ganneau 1870 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Un sacrifice à ʿAthtar, bas-relief avec inscription himyarite nouvellement découvert. Journal asiatique 6ème série, 15, 1870: 302-329, pl. opposite p. 344.
Clermont-Ganneau 1860 Clermont-Ganneau, C. Les antiquités sémitiques: Leçon d'ouverture faite au collège de France, 21 mai 1890. 62 p. ;. (Bibliothèque orientale elzévirienne, 65). Paris : Leroux,
Clermon-Ganneau 1895 Clermon-Ganneau, C. Hebrew inscription from near the ash-heaps at Jerusalem. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 1895: 83.
Clayton 1753 (2nd edition) Clayton, R. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and Back Again. Translated from a Manuscript, Written by the Prefetto of Egypt, in company with some Missionaries de propaganda fide at Grand Cairo. To which are added Remarks on the Origin of Hieroglyphics . Dedicted to The Society of Antiquaries, London. By the Right Reverend /Robert/ Lord Bishop of Clogher. The Second Edition, Corrected. London: Bowyer, 1753 (2nd edition).
Clayton 1753 Clayton, R. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and Back Again. Translated from a Manuscript, Written by the Prefetto of Egypt, in company with the Missionaries de propaganda fide at Grand Cairo. To which are added Some Remarks on the Origin of Hieroglyph. By the Right Reverend /Robert/ Lord Bishop of Clogher. Dedicated to The Society of Antiquaries, London. [First edition]. London: Bowyer, 1753.
Clay 1912 Clay, A.T. Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur dated in the reigns of Cassite Rulers. (Publications of the Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum, II/2). Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1912.
Clay 1908 Clay, A.T. Aramaic Indorsements on the Documents of the Murašū Sons. Pages 287-321 in R.F. Harper, F. Brown, & G.F. Moore (eds), Old Testament and Semitic Studies in Memory of William Rainey Harper. 1. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1908.
Clay 1908 Clay, A.T. Legal and Commercial Transactions dated to the Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods chiefly from Nippur. (The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts, VIII/1). Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1908.
Clay 1904 Clay, A.T. Business Documents of Murasû sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Darius II (424–404 B.C.). (The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts, 10). Philadephia, PA: Department of Archaeology and Paloeontology, University of Pennsylvania, 1904.
Clauss-Balty 2008 Clauss-Balty, P. La kalybé de Hayat (Syrie du Sud). Syria 85, 2008: 249-292.
Clarysse & Thmpson DJ 2006 Clarysse, W. & Thmpson, D.J. Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt. Volume I. Population Registers (P. Count) in collaboration with U. Luft, B. Mandilaras, G. Poethke, R. Scholl and J. Tait Volume 2. Historical Studies. (Cambridge Classical Studies). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Clarysse 1997 Clarysse, W. Greek Accents on Egyptian Names. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 119, 1997: 177-184.
Clarysse 1994 Clarysse, W. Greeks and Persians in a bilingual census list. Egitto e Vicino Oriente 17, 1994: 69-77.