Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 13057 - 13080 of 14487 in total
TaSTF Ṭalāfḥah [Talafha] 2011 Ṭalāfḥah [Talafha], Z.A. Nuqūš ṣafawiyyah ǧadīdah min tallat al-fahdāwī bi-ʾl-bādiyah al-urdunniyyah. Adumatu 23, 2011: 33-46.
TaNS Ṭalāfḥah [Talafha] 2006 Ṭalāfḥah [Talafha], Z.A. Nuqūš ṣafawiyyah min qāʿ al-fahdah bi-ʾl-bādiyah al-urdunniyyah. Adumatu 13, 2006: 55-68 [Arabic section].
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