Reference Results
Displaying citations 13105 - 13128 of 14522 in total
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Barbanes 2000 | Barbanes, E. Domestic and defensive architecture on the Yemen plateau: eighth century BCE-sixth century CE. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 11, 2000: 207-222. | |
Bar-Bahlule / Duval 1888-1901 | Bar-Bahlule, H. in R.Duval (ed.), Lexicon Syriacum auctore Hassano Bar-Bahlule arabice Abu ʾl-Hassan ibn al-Bahlul voces syriacas graecasque cum glossis syriacis et arabicis complectens ex multis operis scientificis biblicis et philosophicis compilatum saeculo X e pluribus codicibus edidi. (3 volumes in 2). (Collection Orientale (manuscrits inédits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, publiés et traduits), 15-17 (2ème série 1-3)). [Reprinted by Philo Press, Amsterdam, 1970]. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1888-1901. | |
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Bar-Asher 2009 | Bar-Asher, E.A. Dual Pronouns in Semitics and an Evaluation of the Evidence for their Existence in Biblical Hebrew. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 46, n.d.: 32–49. | |
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