Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 13177 - 13200 of 14487 in total
Teixidor 1977 Teixidor, J. The Pagan God. Popular Religion in the Greco-Roman Near East. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Teixidor 1979 Teixidor, J. The Pantheon of Palmyra. (Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'empire romain, 79). Leiden: Brill, 1979.
Teixidor 1991-1992 Teixidor, J. Un document syriaque de fermage de 242 après J.-C.. Semitica 41-42, 1991-1992: 195-208, fig. 1-2.
Teixidor 1992 Teixidor, J. Une inscription araméenne provenant de l'Émirat de Sharjah (Émirats Arabes Unis). Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres 1992: 695-707.
Teixidor 1984 Teixidor, J. Un port romain du désert. Palmyre et son commerce d'Auguste à Caracalla. Semitica 34, 1984: Whole volume.
Texidor & Urio 1995 Teixidor, J. & Urio, I. (eds.) Voyages et voyageurs au Proche-Orient ancien. Actes du colloque de Cartigny 1988. (Les Cahiers du Centre d'Études du Proche-Orient Ancien, Université de Genève, 6). Leuven: Peeters, 1995.
Temporini & Haase 1977 Temporini, Hildegard., Haase, Wolfgang (eds.) Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II. Principat 8, 91. 2 vol., x-939 p., x-544 p. :. Berlin ; W. de Gruyter, 1976, 1977.,
Tengberg 2002 Tengberg, M. The importation of wood to the Arabian Gulf in antiquity. The evidence from charcoal analysis. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 32, 2002: 75-81.
Terrier 1932 Terrier, @ Notes sur le Safa. Bulletin Mensuel du Comité de l'Asie Française @, 1932: 362-366.
Testen 1992 Testen, D. Arabic jāriyat-un ‘girl, slave woman’. Die Welt des Orients 23, 1992: 75-76.
Testen 1998 Testen, D.D. Parallels in Semitic Linguistics. The Development of Arabic la- and Related Semitic Particles. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 26). Leiden: Brill, 1998.
Testen 1998 Testen, D. Literary Arabic and the early Hijazi contrasts in the marking of definiteness. Pages 207-225 in E. Benmamoun, M. Eid & N. Haeri (eds), Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XI. Papers from the Eleventh Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science. IV. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 167). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1998.
Testen 1998 Testen, D. Modern South Arabian 'nine'. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 61, 1998: 314-317.
Tesetn 1996 Testen, D. On the Arabic of the ʿEn ʿAvdat inscription. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55, 1996: 281-292.
Testen 1996 Testen, D. On the Arabic of the ʿEn ʿAvdat Inscription. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55, 1996: 281-292.
Ph Texts collected by H. St. J. Philby.
Eut Texts collected by Julius Euting.
Thacker 1954 Thacker, T. W. The Relationship of the semitic and egyptian verbal systems. XXVI-341 p. ;. Oxford : Clarendon press, 1954., 1954.
WTI [Thamudic (and some Safaitic and some "Mixed") inscriptions in Winnett and Reed (ARNA)].
JLA.ThD JLA.ThD Thamudic D inscriptions from the area of Jabal al-Lawz, north-west Saudi Arabia
Meek Thamudic E inscription published in WLT p.5-7, pl. 1.
CSI.T Thamudic inscriptions in CSI.
Tdr [Thamudic inscriptions in Koenig 1971 (KSJM)].
Khalidy [Thamudic inscriptions in (RGTY)].