Reference Results
Displaying citations 13201 - 13224 of 14530 in total
Bagnall 1987 | Bagnall, R.S. Conversion and Onomastics: A Reply. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 69, 1987: 243-250. | |
Bagnall 1985 | Bagnall, R.S. The Camel, the Wagon and the Donkey in Later Roman Egypt. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 22, 1985: 1-6. | |
Bagnall 1985 | Bagnall, R.S. Agricultural Productivity and Taxation in Later Roman Egypt. Transactions of the American Philological Association 115, 1985: 289-308. | |
Bagnall 1982 | Bagnall, R.S. Religious Conversion and Onomastic Change in Early Byzantine Egypt. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 19, 1982: 105-124. | |
Bagnall 1982 | Bagnall, R.S. The Population of Theadelphia in the Fourth Century. Bulletin de la Société d'Archéologie Copte 24, 1982: 35-57. | |
Bagnall 1980 | Bagnall, R.S. P.Oxy. XVI 1905, SB V 7756, and Fourth Century Taxation. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 37, 1980: 185-195. | |
Bagnall 1979 | Bagnall, R.S. Epigraphy. Greek and Latin. Pages 243-244 in D.S. Whitcomb & J.H. Johnson (eds), Quseir al-Qadim 1978. Preliminary Report. (American Research Centre in Egypt. Reports, 1). Princeton, NJ: American Research Centre in Egypt, 1979. | |
Bagnall 1978 | Bagnall, R.S. Property-holdings of Liturgists in Fourth-century Karanis. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 15, 1978: 9-16. | |
Bagnall 1978 | Bagnall, R.S. The Number and Term of the Dekaprotoi. Aegyptus 58, 1978: 160-167. | |
Bagnall 1977 | Bagnall, R.S. Price in 'Sales on Delivery'. Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 18, 1977: 85-96. | |
Bagnall 1977 | Bagnall, R.S. Bullion Purchases and Landholding in the Fourth Century. Chronique d'Égypte 52, 1977: 322-336. | |
Bagnall 192 | Bagnall, R.S. Count Ausonius. Tyche 7, 1992: 9-15. | |
Bafaqih, Beeston, Robin, Ghul 1985 | Bafaqih, M.A., Beeston, A.F.L., Robin, C, Ghul, M.A. al- Muḫtārāt min al-nuqūš al-yamaniyyat al-qadīmah. Tūnis: Al-munaẓẓamat al-ʿarabiyyah li-l-tarbiyah wa-ʾl-ṯaqāfa wa-ʾl-ʿulūm, 1985. | |
Bafaqih & Batayiʿ 2001 | Bafaqih, M.A. & Batayiʿ, A.A. Nuqūš uḫrā fī ʾl-ḥadd. Raydān 7, 2001: 66-76 [Arabic Section]. | |
Bafaqih & Batayi 1994 | Bafaqih, M.A. & Batayi, A.A. Deux nouvelles inscriptions d'al-Ḥadd (de Ḫawlān walad ‘Amm et Sufar) . Raydān 6, 1994: 89-103 [Arabic Section] and 2 plates @. | |
Bafaqih 2001 | Bafaqih, M.A. Nuqūš wa-dalālāt (2). Raydān 7, 2001: 10-28 [Arabic section]. | |
Bafaqih 2001 | Bafaqih, M.A. ʿAudah ilā naqš ʿabadān al-kabīr (2). Raydān 7, 2001: 29-44 [Arabic section]. | |
Bafaqih 2001 | Bafaqih, M. Ḏū Samāwī wa-abʿād ḥarami-hi fī Šuẓayf. Raydān 7, 2001: 55-65. | |
Bafaqih 2001 | Bafaqih, M.A. Anmār yuhaʾmin qaylan wa-malikan wa-aḥwāl ʿaṣri-hi. Raydān 7, 2001: 45-54. | |
Bafaqih 1997 | Bafaqih, M.A. The Fortress of Kadur. Pages 217 in R.G. Stiegner (ed.), Aktualisierte Beiträge zum 1. Internationalen Symposion SÜDARABIEN interdisziplinär an der Universität Graz [15. - 17. November 1990]. mit kurzen Einführungen zu Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte. In Memoriam Maria Höfner. Graz: Leykam, 1997. | |
Bafaqih 1994 | Bafaqih, M.A. Le contenu de l'inscription al-Mi‘sāl 5. Raydān 6, 1994: 57-77 [Arabic Section] and 5 plates @. | |
Bafaqih 1994 | Bafaqih, M.A. Inscriptions et interprétations. Raydān 6, 1994: 6-22, pl. 1-4 p. 23-26 [Arabic Section]. | |
Bafaqih 1994 | Bafaqih, M.A. Karib Il Watar Yuhan‘im I et le premier État d'Arabie (nouvelles hypothèses de travail). Raydān 6, 1994: 32-56 [Arabic Section]. | |
Bafaqih 1994 | Bafaqih, M.A. al-Mi‘sāl 6. Raydān 6, 1994: 78-88 [Arabic Section]. |