Reference Results

Displaying citations 13537 - 13560 of 14519 in total
Anon n.d. Anon Mesopotamian Outposts of Civilization. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The third in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon The Independent Chiefs of Eastern Arabia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The fourth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons] . [published with G. L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon A Ruler of the Desert . The Arab of Mesopotamia. [ A collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon The Pax Britannica in the Occupied Territories of Mesopotamia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The sixth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon The Shiahs and Their Position in Iraq. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The seventh in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons] . [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon Muhammarah. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The eighth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon A Tribe of the Tigris. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The ninth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon Star Worshippers of Mesopotamia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The tenth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon The Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Handbook for Visitors. Riyadh: Department of Antiquities and Museums, n.d..
Anon n.d. Anon [A collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons] 1, The Arab Tribes of Mesopotamia. 2, The Basis of Government in Turkish Arabia. 3, Mesopotamian Outposts of Civilisation. 4, The Independent Chiefs of Eastern Arabia. 5, A Ruler . in , The Arab of Mesopotamia. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon The Arab Tribes of Mesopotamia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The first in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon The Basis of Government in Turkish Arabia . The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The second in collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918].
Anon n.d. Anon masḥ al-nuqūš al-ʿarabīyah al-qadīmah fī wādī ʾl-ḥašābīyah min al-bādīyah al-urdunīyah al-ǧanūbīyah al-šarqīyah (minṭaqat al-ǧafr). n.d..
Anon 2000 Anon Traces of Paradise. The Archaeology of Bahrain 2500 BC-300 AD. An Exhibition at the Brunei Gallery, London, 12 July - 15 September 2000. London: The Dilmun Committee, 2000.
Anon 1999 Anon An Introduction to Saudi Arabian Antiquities. Second Edition. Riyadh: Department of Antiquities and Museums, 1999.
Anon 1996 Anon Gazetteer of Arabian Tribes. (18 volumes). Slough: Archive Editions, 1996.
Anon 1995 Anon Syrie un patrimoine inédit. Le musée des musées: l'histoire de l'art des pays arabes. [Paris]: Institut du Monde Arabe / Éditions de l'Amateur, 1995.
Anon 1991 Anon (ed.) Il Bilinguismo degli antichi. XVIII Giornate filologiche Genovesi. (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Ar, Fi. Cl. Et., N.S. 135). Genova: Università di Genova, 1991.
Anon 1982 Anon [Review of Mittmann 1970 (Beiträge zur Siedlungs- und Territorial- Geschichte des Nördlichen Ostjordanland)]. Liber Annuus 32, 1982: 519.
Anon 1978 Anon in F. Baratte (ed.), Un royaume aux confins du désert: Pétra et la Nabatène. Catalogue de l'exposition du Musée de Lyon tenue du 18-11-1978 au 28-02-1979. Lyon, 1978.
Anon 1975 Anon An Introduction to Saudi Arabian Antiquities. Riyadh: Department of Antiquities and Museums, 1975.
Anon 1971 Anon Official Standard Names Gazetteer. United Arab Emirates, Bahrein, Kuweit and Qatar. Washington, DC, 1971.
Anon 1970 Anon Bibliographie. Vom 1. Oktober 1968 bis 31.Marz 1970. IV Palästina und Syrien. Archiv für Orientforschung 23, 1970: 237-242.
Anon 1970 Anon Bibliographie. Vom 1. Oktober 1968 bis 31.Marz 1970. VII. Arabien im Altertum. Archiv für Orientforschung 23, 1970: 245.