Reference Results
Displaying citations 13537 - 13560 of 14519 in total
Anon n.d. | Anon Mesopotamian Outposts of Civilization. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The third in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon The Independent Chiefs of Eastern Arabia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The fourth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons] . [published with G. L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon A Ruler of the Desert . The Arab of Mesopotamia. [ A collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon The Pax Britannica in the Occupied Territories of Mesopotamia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The sixth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon The Shiahs and Their Position in Iraq. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The seventh in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons] . [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon Muhammarah. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The eighth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon A Tribe of the Tigris. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The ninth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon Star Worshippers of Mesopotamia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The tenth in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon The Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Handbook for Visitors. Riyadh: Department of Antiquities and Museums, n.d.. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon [A collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons] 1, The Arab Tribes of Mesopotamia. 2, The Basis of Government in Turkish Arabia. 3, Mesopotamian Outposts of Civilisation. 4, The Independent Chiefs of Eastern Arabia. 5, A Ruler . in , The Arab of Mesopotamia. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon The Arab Tribes of Mesopotamia. The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The first in a collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon The Basis of Government in Turkish Arabia . The Arab of Mesopotamia. [The second in collection of ten articles written in 1916 by various [unnamed] persons]. [published with G.L. Bell, Asiatic Turkey]. Basrah: Government Press, n.d. [1918]. | |
Anon n.d. | Anon masḥ al-nuqūš al-ʿarabīyah al-qadīmah fī wādī ʾl-ḥašābīyah min al-bādīyah al-urdunīyah al-ǧanūbīyah al-šarqīyah (minṭaqat al-ǧafr). n.d.. | |
Anon 2000 | Anon Traces of Paradise. The Archaeology of Bahrain 2500 BC-300 AD. An Exhibition at the Brunei Gallery, London, 12 July - 15 September 2000. London: The Dilmun Committee, 2000. | |
Anon 1999 | Anon An Introduction to Saudi Arabian Antiquities. Second Edition. Riyadh: Department of Antiquities and Museums, 1999. | |
Anon 1996 | Anon Gazetteer of Arabian Tribes. (18 volumes). Slough: Archive Editions, 1996. | |
Anon 1995 | Anon Syrie un patrimoine inédit. Le musée des musées: l'histoire de l'art des pays arabes. [Paris]: Institut du Monde Arabe / Éditions de l'Amateur, 1995. | |
Anon 1991 | Anon (ed.) Il Bilinguismo degli antichi. XVIII Giornate filologiche Genovesi. (Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Ar, Fi. Cl. Et., N.S. 135). Genova: Università di Genova, 1991. | |
Anon 1982 | Anon [Review of Mittmann 1970 (Beiträge zur Siedlungs- und Territorial- Geschichte des Nördlichen Ostjordanland)]. Liber Annuus 32, 1982: 519. | |
Anon 1978 | Anon in F. Baratte (ed.), Un royaume aux confins du désert: Pétra et la Nabatène. Catalogue de l'exposition du Musée de Lyon tenue du 18-11-1978 au 28-02-1979. Lyon, 1978. | |
Anon 1975 | Anon An Introduction to Saudi Arabian Antiquities. Riyadh: Department of Antiquities and Museums, 1975. | |
Anon 1971 | Anon Official Standard Names Gazetteer. United Arab Emirates, Bahrein, Kuweit and Qatar. Washington, DC, 1971. | |
Anon 1970 | Anon Bibliographie. Vom 1. Oktober 1968 bis 31.Marz 1970. IV Palästina und Syrien. Archiv für Orientforschung 23, 1970: 237-242. | |
Anon 1970 | Anon Bibliographie. Vom 1. Oktober 1968 bis 31.Marz 1970. VII. Arabien im Altertum. Archiv für Orientforschung 23, 1970: 245. |