Reference Results
Displaying citations 13633 - 13656 of 14519 in total
Amoretti 1989 | Amoretti, B.S. Significatività storica del nome arabo-islamico e uso delle fonti. Pages 209-216 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Problemi di onomastica semitica meridionale. (Seminari di orientalistica, 1). Pisa: Giardini, 1989. | |
Amodio 2004 | Amodio, M.C. Writing and the Oral Tradition. Oral Poetics and Literate Culture in Medieval England. (Poetics of Orality and Literacy). Notre Dame, IA: University of Notre Dame, 2004. | |
Ammon 1834 | Ammon, K.W. Nachrichten von der Pferdezucht der Araber und den arabischen Pferden. Nebst einem Anhange über die Pferdezucht in Persien, Turkomanien und die Berberei. gesammelt und bearbeitet. (Documenta Arabica, 2). Nürnberg: Riegel & Wiessner, 1834. | |
AMJ | Hismaic [Thamudic E] inscriptions recorded by W.J. Jobling on his ʿAqaba-Maʿan Survey and published in numerous places. A consecutive numbering was established by G.M.H. King in KENA. List numbers and publications when all the latter have been entered. | |
Amitai-Preiss 1997 | Amitai-Preiss, N. An Umayyad Lead Seal with the Name of the Caliph Marwān b. Muḥammad. Al-Qanṭara 18, 1997: 233-242. | |
Amirkhanov 1996 | Amirkhanov, H.A. Peshchernyi sklep ar-Rukba. Pages 158-161 in A.V. Sedov & P.A. Griaznevich (eds), Raybūn Settlement (1983 – 1987 excavations). Preliminary Reports of the Soviet-Yemeni Joint Complex Expedition. II. Moscow: Vostochnaya Literatura, 1996. | |
Amirkhanov | Amirkhanov, H.A. Research on the Paleolithic and Neolithic of Hadramaut and Mahra. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 5, 1994: 217-228. | |
Amiran 1963 | Amiran, Ruth The Ancient pottery of Eretz Yisrael: from its beginnings in the Neolitic period to the end of the first temple. 366 p. :. Jerusalem : The Bialik Institute : 1963, | |
Amigues 1996 | Amigues, S. Un cinnamome fantomatique. Topoi 6, 1996: 657-664. | |
Amigues 1996 | Amigues, S. L'expédition d'Anaxicrate en Arabie occidentale. Topoi 6, 1996: 671-677. | |
Amiet 1986 | Amiet, P. (ed.) La voie royale. 9 000 ans d'art au royaume de Jordanie. Catalogue de l'exposition au Musée du Luxembourg 26 novembre 1986 - 25 janvier 1987. Paris: Association française d'action artistique, 1986. | |
Amiet 1983 | Amiet, P. Observations sur les "Tablettes Magiqes" d'Arslan Tash. Analecta Orientalia 1, 1983: 109. | |
Amer 1925 | Amer, M. The Ancient Trans-Peninsular Routes of Arabia. Pages 126-140Congrès internationale géographique (Cairo). 5. 1925. | |
Ameling, Cotton, Eck, Isaac, Kushnir-Stein, Misgav, Price & Yardeni 2014 | Ameling, W., Cotton, H.M., Eck, W., Isaac, B., Kushnir-Stein, A., Misgav, H., Price, J. & Yardeni, A. Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. A multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad. Volume III: South Coast 2161–2648. with contributions by A.Ecker, R. Hoyland. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014. | |
Ameling, Cotton, Eck, Isaac, Kushnir-Stein, Misgav, Price & Yardeni 2011 | Ameling, W., Cotton, H.M., Eck, W., Isaac, B., Kushnir-Stein, A., Misgav, H., Price, J. & Yardeni, A. Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. A multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad. Volume II: Caesarea and the Middle Coast. 1121-2160. Berlin: De Gruyter., 2011. | |
Ameling 2014 | Ameling, W. Some remarks on Apion. Scripta Classica Israelica 33, 2014: 1-16. | |
Ameling 2009 | Ameling, W. The epigraphic habit and the Jewish diasporas of Asia Minor and Syria. Pages 203-234 in H.M. Cotton, R.G. Hoyland, J.J. Price, & D.J. Wasserstein (eds), From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. | |
AMCB | Adler, J.G.C. Museum Cuficum Borgianum Velitris. Romae: Fulgonium, 1782. | |
Ambros 1994 | Ambros, A.A. Zur Inschrift von ʿEn ʿAvdat — eine Mahnung zur Vorsicht. Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik 27, 1994: 90-92. | |
Ambraseys, Melville, Adams 1994 | Ambraseys, N.N., Melville, C.P., Adams, R.D. The Seismicity of Egypt, Arabia and the Red Sea. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. | |
Amar 2009 | Amar, Z. Šmn raḥuṣ. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 141, 2009: 18-26. | |
Amali 1997 | Amali, Y.R. al- Maʿālim makka wa-l-madīna bayna l-māḍī wa-l-ḥāḍir. Bayrūt: Dār al-Murtaḍā, 1997. | |
Amaldi 2002 | Amaldi, D. From Jāhiliyyah to Islam: the Muʿallaqāt's Lexicon. Pages 141-153 in S. Leder with H. Kilpatrick, B. Martel-Thoumian & H. Schönig (eds), Studies in Arabic and Islam. Proceedings of the 19th Congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Halle 1998. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 108). Leuven: Peeters, 2002. | |
Amaldi 1989 | Amaldi, D. L'antroponomastica nella poesia preislamica. Pages 71-88 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Problemi di onomastica semitica meridionale. (Seminari di orientalistica, 1). Pisa: Giardini, 1989. |