Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

U 064

Text Information

U 064
Alternative Sigla
AH 123
s²rd/w ʾḫ -h/ʿbd– s¹mh/bnw/ʿyḏ– ḥrn/ʾẓlw/h- ẓll/l- ḏġbt ll/bʿd/nḫl -h– m/b- ḏʿmn/w ḏ kn/l- -hm/b- bdr f rḍ -hm
S²rd and his brother ʿbd– s¹mh sons of ʿyḏ- ḥrn performed the ẓll-ceremony for Ḏġbt ll/ for the sake of their palm trees at Ḏʿmn and that which belongs to them in Brd and so favour them


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT Lines 1–2. Abū l-Ḥasan: ʿbds¹mn rather than ʿbds¹mh. Line 3. Abū l-Ḥasan: ʾṭlw h- ṭll for ʾẓlw h- ẓll; Sima: ḥ[l]n ʾẓllw rather than ḥrn ʾẓlw. Line 4. Abū l-Ḥasan followed by Sima does not read the first two letters. TRANSLATION Lines 2–3. Sima treats ḥrn as a lineage name. Thus, he translates 'ʿyḏ of the family of Ḥrn'. Line 3. ʾẓlw h- ẓll, Sima: '(they) covered the subterranean water-channel'. Line 4. bʿd, Sima: 'in the direction of'. DISCUSSION Hidalgo-Chacón Díez 2014: 15–16, 19–20, for the place name Bdr and Ḏʿmn. Hidalgo-Chacón Díez 2016: 128, for the divine name Ḏġbt.
Lines 3–5. It appears that the carver originally respected the left margin of the text and wrote h- ẓ at the end of line 3 and ll at the beginning of line 4 where he continued bʿd nḫl -hm... However, he then realised that he had omitted l- ḏġbt and so hammered over the ll at the beginning of line 4 and added ll l- ḏġbt after h-ẓ at the end of line 3. In so doing, he carved over the first line of a pre-existing text in a cartouche (AH 124).

Al-ʿUḏayb (Jabal ʿIkmah). The inscription is chiselled on a rock inside the gorge
Original Reading Credit
Original Translation Credit


Associated Inscriptions
It is below AH 125 and to the left of U 066

  • Abū ʾl-Ḥasan, Ḥ.ʿA.D. Qirāʾah li-kitābāt liḥyāniyyah min ǧabal ʿakmah bi-minṭaqat al-ʿulā. Al-Riyāḍ: Maktabat al-malik fahd al-waṭaniyyah, 1997. pp 282–284 Plate 15
  • Sima, A. Die lihyanischen Inschriften von al-ʿUḏayb (Saudi-Arabien). (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 1). Rahden/Westf.: Leidorf, 1999. pp 21–22 Plate 16a
  • Hidalgo-Chacón Díez, M. del C. Place names in the Dadanitic inscriptions of al-ʿUḏayb. Adumatu 30, 2014: 15-30
  • Hidalgo-Chacón Díez. M. del C. The divine names at Dadan: a philological approach. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 46, 2016: 125–136
The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
Current Location
In situ
Agriculture, Deity, Genealogy, Isolated Prayer, Place-name, Relatives, Religion
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